• Resolved espacemusculation


    Sorry for my english.

    I use this plugin with my o2switch host whose technical support is not able to help me.

    I often have pages with 400 errors and I just realized that they happen for example when I update an article.

    I have no idea what parameter I could change to avoid this. I don’t know where to look either to find a solution.

    I’ll give you as much information as I can.

    Thank you for your help.

    Server Variables
        SERVER_SOFTWARE = Apache
        HTTP_X_LSCACHE = on,esi,crawler
        DOCUMENT_ROOT = /home/thji1698/wordpress
        LSWCP_TAG_PREFIX = 7ae
        WP_HOME = NULL
        WP_CONTENT_DIR = /home/thji1698/wordpress/wp-content
        SHORTINIT = false
        LSCWP_CONTENT_DIR = /home/thji1698/wordpress/wp-content
        LSCWP_CONTENT_FOLDER = wp-content
        LSCWP_DIR = /home/thji1698/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/litespeed-cache/
        LITESPEED_TIME_OFFSET = 3600.0
        LITESPEED_ALLOWED = true
        LITESPEED_ON = true
        LSCACHE_ADV_CACHE = true
        LSWCP_TAG_PREFIX = 7ae
    Wordpress Specific Extras
        wordpress version = 5.3
        siteurl = https://www.docteur-fitness.com
        home = https://www.docteur-fitness.com
        home_url = https://www.docteur-fitness.com
        locale = fr_FR
        active theme = Authentic
        active plugins = array (
      0 => 'ad-inserter/ad-inserter.php',
      1 => 'archive-page/archive-page.php',
      2 => 'blog2social/blog2social.php',
      3 => 'broken-link-checker/broken-link-checker.php',
      4 => 'contact-form-7/wp-contact-form-7.php',
      5 => 'cookie-law-info/cookie-law-info.php',
      6 => 'custom-permalinks/custom-permalinks.php',
      7 => 'disable-comments/disable-comments.php',
      8 => 'easy-theme-and-plugin-upgrades/init.php',
      10 => 'footnotes/footnotes.php',
      11 => 'hide-my-wp/index.php',
      13 => 'kirki/kirki.php',
      14 => 'litespeed-cache/litespeed-cache.php',
      15 => 'loco-translate/loco.php',
      16 => 'loginpress/loginpress.php',
      17 => 'onesignal-free-web-push-notifications/onesignal.php',
      18 => 'powerkit/powerkit.php',
      19 => 'regenerate-thumbnails/regenerate-thumbnails.php',
      20 => 'report-content/report-content.php',
      21 => 'seo-by-rank-math/rank-math.php',
      22 => 'shortcode-widget/shortcode-widget.php',
      23 => 'simple-lightbox/main.php',
      24 => 'speaker/BulkProcess.php',
      25 => 'speaker/speaker.php',
      26 => 'updraftplus/updraftplus.php',
      27 => 'wordpress-popular-posts/wordpress-popular-posts.php',
      28 => 'wp-asset-clean-up-pro/wpacu.php',
      29 => 'wp-dashboard-notes/wp-dashboard-notes.php',
      30 => 'wp-night-mode/wp-night-mode.php',
      31 => 'wp-user-avatar/wp-user-avatar.php',
      32 => 'wps-cleaner/wps-cleaner.php',
    LSCache Plugin Options
        version =
        radio_select = 1
        auto_upgrade = false
        news = true
        purge_upgrade = false
        cache_priv = true
        cache_commenter = false
        cache_rest = true
        cache_page_login = false
        timed_urls = 
        timed_urls_time = 
        cache_favicon = true
        cache_resources = true
        mobileview_enabled = false
        mobileview_rules = Mobile|Android|Silk/|Kindle|BlackBerry|Opera\ Mini|Opera\ Mobi
        cache_object = true
        cache_object_kind = false
        cache_object_host = localhost
        cache_object_port = 11211
        cache_object_life = 360
        cache_object_persistent = true
        cache_object_admin = false
        cache_object_transients = true
        cache_object_db_id = 0
        cache_object_user = 
        cache_object_pswd = 
        cache_browser = true
        cache_browser_ttl = 10368000
        login_cookie = 
        check_advancedcache = true
        use_http_for_https_vary = false
        debug_disable_all = false
        debug = 1
        admin_ips =
        debug_level = true
        log_file_size = 30
        heartbeat = true
        debug_cookie = false
        collaps_qs = false
        log_filters = false
        public_ttl = 604800
        private_ttl = 1800
        front_page_ttl = 604800
        feed_ttl = 0
        403_ttl = 3600
        404_ttl = 3600
        500_ttl = 3600
        purge_by_post = 
        excludes_qs = 
        excludes_cat = 
        excludes_tag = 
        instant_click = false
        css_minify = true
        css_inline_minify = true
        css_combine = true
        css_combined_priority = false
        css_http2 = true
        css_exclude = 
        js_minify = true
        js_inline_minify = true
        js_combine = true
        js_combined_priority = false
        js_http2 = true
        js_exclude = 
        optimize_ttl = 604800
        html_minify = true
        optm_qs_rm = true
        optm_ggfonts_rm = true
        optm_css_async = true
        optm_ccss_gen = true
        optm_ccss_async = true
        optm_css_async_inline = true
        optm_js_defer = true
        optm_emoji_rm = true
        optm_exclude_jquery = false
        optm_ggfonts_async = false
        optm_max_size = 1.2
        optm_rm_comment = true
        cdn = false
        cdn_ori = 
        cdn_exclude = 
        cdn_remote_jquery = 0
        cdn_quic = false
        cdn_quic_email = 
        cdn_quic_key = 
        cdn_cloudflare = false
        cdn_cloudflare_email = 
        cdn_cloudflare_key = 
        cdn_cloudflare_name = 
        cdn_cloudflare_zone = 
        media_img_lazy = true
        media_img_lazy_placeholder = 
        media_placeholder_resp = false
        media_placeholder_resp_color = #cfd4db
        media_placeholder_resp_async = true
        media_iframe_lazy = false
        media_img_lazyjs_inline = true
        media_optm_auto = true
        media_optm_cron = true
        media_optm_ori = true
        media_rm_ori_bkup = false
        media_optm_webp = true
        media_optm_lossless = true
        media_optm_exif = false
        media_webp_replace = true
        media_webp_replace_srcset = true
        hash = id3GX5Y8CsQIrizjnEdlEmHioNMlYRjD
        nocache_cookies = 
        nocache_useragents = 
        crawler_include_posts = true
        crawler_include_pages = true
        crawler_include_cats = true
        crawler_include_tags = false
        crawler_excludes_cpt = 
        crawler_order_links = date_desc
        crawler_usleep = 1000
        crawler_run_duration = 800
        crawler_run_interval = 1000
        crawler_crawl_interval = 3024000
        crawler_threads = 2
        crawler_load_limit = 1
        crawler_domain_ip =
        crawler_custom_sitemap = 
        crawler_cron_active = false
        esi_enabled = true
        esi_cached_admbar = false
        esi_cached_commform = false
        litespeed-cache-vary-group = array (
      'administrator' => '99',
      'author' => '0',
      'contributor' => '0',
      'custom_permalinks_manager' => '0',
      'editor' => '0',
      'subscriber' => '0',
      'translator' => '0',
        litespeed-cache-exclude-optimization-roles = array (
        litespeed-cache-exclude-cache-roles = array (
        litespeed-optm-css = 
        litespeed-optm-js-defer-excludes = 
        litespeed-media-lazy-img-excludes = 
        litespeed-media-lazy-img-cls-excludes = jarallax-img
        litespeed-media-need-pull = pulled
        litespeed-cache-drop_qs = 
        litespeed-cache-cdn_mapping = array (
      0 => 
      array (
        'url' => false,
        'inc_img' => '1',
        'inc_css' => '1',
        'inc_js' => '1',
        'filetype' => '.aac
        litespeed-cdn-ori_dir = wp-content
        litespeed-cache-dns_prefetch = //adservice.google.com
        litespeed-cache-cloudflare_status = false
        litespeed-log_ignore_filters = gettext
        litespeed-log_ignore_part_filters = i18n
        litespeed-object_global_groups = users
        litespeed-object_non_persistent_groups = comment
        litespeed-crawler-as-uids = 
        litespeed-crawler-cookies = array (
        litespeed-adv-purge_all_hooks = switch_theme
        litespeed-forced_cache_uri = 
        litespeed-cache_uri_priv = 
        litespeed-optm_excludes = 
        litespeed-excludes_uri = 
        litespeed-media-webp_attribute = img.src
        litespeed-optm-ccss-separate_posttype = 
        litespeed-optm-css-separate_uri = 
    /home/thji1698/wordpress/.htaccess contents:
    # o2switch pagespeed start / DO NOT REMOVE OR EDIT
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    ModPagespeedRewriteLevel PassThrough
    ModPagespeedEnableFilters make_show_ads_async,dedup_inlined_images,defer_javascript,extend_cache,hint_preload_subresources
    # o2switch pagespeed end / DO NOT REMOVE OR EDIT
    # o2s WpTiger Begin - Dont edit - Ne pas modifier - forceHttps
    # Force le HTTPS
    RewriteEngine On 
    RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Forwarded-Proto} !https
    RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !on
    RewriteRule ^(.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]
    # o2s WpTiger End - Dont edit - Ne pas modifier - forceHttps
    ## LITESPEED WP CACHE PLUGIN - Do not edit the contents of this block! ##
    <IfModule LiteSpeed>
    RewriteEngine on
    CacheLookup on
    RewriteRule .* - [E=Cache-Control:no-autoflush]
    RewriteRule ^min/\w+\.(css|js) - [E=cache-control:no-vary]
    ### marker CACHE RESOURCE start ###
    RewriteRule wp-content/.*/[^/]*(responsive|css|js|dynamic|loader|fonts)\.php - [E=cache-control:max-age=3600]
    ### marker CACHE RESOURCE end ###
    ### marker FAVICON start ###
    RewriteRule favicon\.ico$ - [E=cache-control:max-age=86400]
    ### marker FAVICON end ###
    ### marker WEBP start ###
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_ACCEPT} "image/webp" [or]
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} "Page Speed"
    RewriteRule .* - [E=Cache-Control:vary=%{ENV:LSCACHE_VARY_VALUE}+webp]
    ### marker WEBP end ###
    ## LITESPEED WP CACHE PLUGIN - Do not edit the contents of this block! ##
    ## LITESPEED WP CACHE PLUGIN - Do not edit the contents of this block! ##
    ### marker BROWSER CACHE start ###
    <IfModule mod_expires.c>
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    ExpiresByType text/javascript A10368000
    ExpiresByType application/javascript A10368000
    ExpiresByType application/x-javascript A10368000
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    ExpiresByType application/font-woff A10368000
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    ExpiresByType font/ttf A10368000
    ExpiresByType font/woff A10368000
    ExpiresByType font/woff2 A10368000
    ### marker BROWSER CACHE end ###
    ### marker MINIFY start ###
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    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}%{REQUEST_URI} ^(.*)/min/(\w+)\.(css|js)$
    RewriteCond %1/wp-content/cache/$2/$1.$2 -f
    RewriteRule min/(\w+)\.(css|js) wp-content/cache/$2/$1.$2 [L]
    ### marker MINIFY end ###
    ## LITESPEED WP CACHE PLUGIN - Do not edit the contents of this block! ##
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?admin007/(.*) /wp-admin/$2 [QSA,L]
    RewriteRule ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?connexion$ /wp-login.php$2 [QSA,L]
    RewriteRule ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?connexion/(.*) /wp-login.php$2 [QSA,L]
    RewriteRule ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?skin/(.*) /wp-content/themes/$2 [QSA,L]
    RewriteRule ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?redacteur/(.*) /author/$2 [QSA,L]
    # BEGIN WordPress
    # Les directives (lignes) entre 'BEGIN WordPress' et 'END WordPress' sont
    # généré dynamiquement, et ne doivent uniquement être modifiées via les filtres WordPress.
    # Toute modification des directives entre ces marqueurs sera outrepassée.
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
    # END WordPress
    AddType text/javascript js
    AddType application/x-javascript js
    12/05/19 09:21:12.784 [ 1 LTS] ?? ------POST HTTP/1.0 (HTTPS) /admin007/admin-ajax.php
    12/05/19 09:21:12.784 [ 1 LTS] Query String:
    12/05/19 09:21:12.784 [ 1 LTS] HTTP_REFERER: https://www.docteur-fitness.com/admin007/index.php
    12/05/19 09:21:12.784 [ 1 LTS] User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.108 Safari/537.36
    12/05/19 09:21:12.784 [ 1 LTS] Accept: */*
    12/05/19 09:21:12.784 [ 1 LTS] Accept Encoding: gzip,br
    12/05/19 09:21:12.784 [ 1 LTS] Cookie _lscache_vary: logged-in:1;role:99
    12/05/19 09:21:12.784 [ 1 LTS] X-LSCACHE: false
    12/05/19 09:21:12.791 [ 1 YHP] ?? ------POST HTTP/1.0 (HTTPS) /admin007/admin-ajax.php
    12/05/19 09:21:12.791 [ 1 YHP] Query String:
    12/05/19 09:21:12.791 [ 1 YHP] HTTP_REFERER: https://www.docteur-fitness.com/admin007/index.php
    12/05/19 09:21:12.791 [ 1 YHP] User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.108 Safari/537.36
    12/05/19 09:21:12.791 [ 1 YHP] Accept: application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01
    12/05/19 09:21:12.791 [ 1 YHP] Accept Encoding: gzip,br
    12/05/19 09:21:12.791 [ 1 YHP] Cookie _lscache_vary: logged-in:1;role:99
    12/05/19 09:21:12.791 [ 1 YHP] X-LSCACHE: false
    12/05/19 09:21:12.942 [ 1 LTS] Media init
    12/05/19 09:21:12.942 [ 1 LTS] CDN init
    12/05/19 09:21:12.942 [ 1 LTS] [Router] CDN bypassed: ajax call from admin
    12/05/19 09:21:12.942 [ 1 LTS] Task init
    12/05/19 09:21:12.943 [ 1 LTS] [Router] LSCWP_CTRL bypassed empty
    12/05/19 09:21:12.949 [ 1 YHP] Media init
    12/05/19 09:21:12.949 [ 1 YHP] CDN init
    12/05/19 09:21:12.949 [ 1 YHP] [Router] CDN bypassed: ajax call from admin
    12/05/19 09:21:12.949 [ 1 YHP] Task init
    12/05/19 09:21:12.949 [ 1 YHP] [Router] LSCWP_CTRL bypassed empty
    12/05/19 09:21:12.982 [ 1 LTS] [Ctrl] X Cache_control -> no Cache ( Admin page ) => LSC_Control::set_nocache()@317 => LSC_Admin->admin_init()@134 => WP_Hook->apply_filters()@288
    12/05/19 09:21:12.982 [ 1 YHP] [Ctrl] X Cache_control -> no Cache ( Admin page ) => LSC_Control::set_nocache()@317 => LSC_Admin->admin_init()@134 => WP_Hook->apply_filters()@288
    12/05/19 09:21:12.986 [ 1 YHP] [Core] CHK html bypass: miss footer const
    12/05/19 09:21:12.987 [ 1 YHP] [Ctrl] not cacheable before ctrl finalize
    12/05/19 09:21:12.987 [ 1 YHP] [Router] get_uid: 1 => LSC_Router::get_uid()@215 => LSC_Vary->finalize_default_vary()@359 => LSC_Vary->_update_default_vary()@318 => LSC_Vary->_finalize()@510
    12/05/19 09:21:12.987 [ 1 YHP] [Router] get_role: administrator
    12/05/19 09:21:12.987 [ 1 YHP] [Cfg] role in vary_group [group] 99
    12/05/19 09:21:12.987 [ 1 YHP] [Vary] show_admin_bar_front: false
    12/05/19 09:21:12.987 [ 1 YHP] [Vary] no custimzed vary
    12/05/19 09:21:12.987 [ 1 YHP] [Core] Silence Comment due to REST/AJAX
    12/05/19 09:21:12.987 [ 1 YHP] X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control: no-cache
    12/05/19 09:21:12.987 [ 1 YHP] [Core] CHK html bypass: miss footer const
    12/05/19 09:21:12.987 [ 1 YHP] [Media] bypass: Not frontend HTML type
    12/05/19 09:21:12.987 [ 1 YHP] GUI bypassed by no counter
    12/05/19 09:21:12.987 [ 1 YHP] [Optm] bypass: Not frontend HTML type
    12/05/19 09:21:12.987 [ 1 YHP] CDN bypass
    12/05/19 09:21:12.987 [ 1 YHP] End response
    12/05/19 09:21:12.988 [ 1 LTS] [Core] CHK html bypass: miss footer const
    12/05/19 09:21:12.989 [ 1 LTS] [Ctrl] not cacheable before ctrl finalize
    12/05/19 09:21:12.989 [ 1 LTS] [Router] get_uid: 1 => LSC_Router::get_uid()@215 => LSC_Vary->finalize_default_vary()@359 => LSC_Vary->_update_default_vary()@318 => LSC_Vary->_finalize()@510
    12/05/19 09:21:12.989 [ 1 LTS] [Router] get_role: administrator
    12/05/19 09:21:12.989 [ 1 LTS] [Cfg] role in vary_group [group] 99
    12/05/19 09:21:12.989 [ 1 LTS] [Vary] show_admin_bar_front: false
    12/05/19 09:21:12.989 [ 1 LTS] [Vary] no custimzed vary
    12/05/19 09:21:12.989 [ 1 LTS] [Core] Silence Comment due to REST/AJAX
    12/05/19 09:21:12.989 [ 1 LTS] X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control: no-cache
    12/05/19 09:21:12.989 [ 1 LTS] [Core] CHK html bypass: miss footer const
    12/05/19 09:21:12.989 [ 1 LTS] [Media] bypass: Not frontend HTML type
    12/05/19 09:21:12.989 [ 1 LTS] GUI bypassed by no counter
    12/05/19 09:21:12.989 [ 1 LTS] [Optm] bypass: Not frontend HTML type
    12/05/19 09:21:12.989 [ 1 LTS] CDN bypass
    12/05/19 09:21:12.989 [ 1 LTS] End response
    12/05/19 09:21:58.459 [ 1 BVO] ?? ------GET HTTP/1.0 (HTTPS) /admin007/admin-ajax.php
    12/05/19 09:21:58.459 [ 1 BVO] Query String: action=blc_dashboard_status&random=0.6211281768959143
    12/05/19 09:21:58.459 [ 1 BVO] HTTP_REFERER: https://www.docteur-fitness.com/admin007/index.php
    12/05/19 09:21:58.459 [ 1 BVO] User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.108 Safari/537.36
    12/05/19 09:21:58.459 [ 1 BVO] Accept: application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01
    12/05/19 09:21:58.459 [ 1 BVO] Accept Encoding: gzip,br
    12/05/19 09:21:58.459 [ 1 BVO] Cookie _lscache_vary: logged-in:1;role:99
    12/05/19 09:21:58.459 [ 1 BVO] X-LSCACHE: false
    12/05/19 09:21:59.070 [ 1 ziu] ?? ------POST HTTP/1.0 (HTTPS) /wp-cron.php
    12/05/19 09:21:59.070 [ 1 ziu] Query String: doing_wp_cron=1575534118.9977309703826904296875
    12/05/19 09:21:59.070 [ 1 ziu] HTTP_REFERER: https://www.docteur-fitness.com/wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron=1575534118.9977309703826904296875
    12/05/19 09:21:59.070 [ 1 ziu] User Agent: WordPress/5.3; https://www.docteur-fitness.com
    12/05/19 09:21:59.070 [ 1 ziu] Accept: */*
    12/05/19 09:21:59.070 [ 1 ziu] Accept Encoding: gzip
    12/05/19 09:21:59.070 [ 1 ziu] X-LSCACHE: false
    12/05/19 09:21:59.071 [ 1 ziu] [ESI] Overwrite wp_create_nonce()
    12/05/19 09:21:59.275 [ 1 ziu] [Router] get_uid: 0 => LSC_Router::get_uid()@215 => LSC_Router::get_role()@234 => LSC_Config->in_exclude_optimization_roles()@351 => LSC->after_user_init()@234
    12/05/19 09:21:59.275 [ 1 ziu] [Router] get_role:
    12/05/19 09:21:59.276 [ 1 ziu] Media init
    12/05/19 09:21:59.276 [ 1 ziu] CDN init
    12/05/19 09:21:59.276 [ 1 ziu] Task init
    12/05/19 09:21:59.276 [ 1 ziu] [Router] LSCWP_CTRL bypassed empty
    12/05/19 09:21:59.276 [ 1 ziu] GUI init
    12/05/19 09:21:59.320 [ 1 ziu] [Core] CHK html bypass: miss footer const
    12/05/19 09:21:59.320 [ 1 ziu] [Ctrl] not cacheable before ctrl finalize
    12/05/19 09:21:59.320 [ 1 ziu] [Router] get_role:
    12/05/19 09:21:59.320 [ 1 ziu] [Vary] role id: failed, guest
    12/05/19 09:21:59.320 [ 1 ziu] [Router] get_role:
    12/05/19 09:21:59.320 [ 1 ziu] [Router] get_role:
    12/05/19 09:21:59.320 [ 1 ziu] [Vary] no custimzed vary
    12/05/19 09:21:59.320 [ 1 ziu] X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control: no-cache
    12/05/19 09:21:59.321 [ 1 ziu] [Core] CHK html bypass: miss footer const
    12/05/19 09:21:59.321 [ 1 ziu] [Media] bypass: Not frontend HTML type
    12/05/19 09:21:59.321 [ 1 ziu] GUI bypassed by no counter
    12/05/19 09:21:59.321 [ 1 ziu] [Optm] bypass: Not frontend HTML type
    12/05/19 09:21:59.321 [ 1 ziu] CDN bypass
    12/05/19 09:21:59.321 [ 1 ziu] End response
    12/05/19 09:21:59.364 [ 1 BVO] Media init
    12/05/19 09:21:59.364 [ 1 BVO] CDN init
    12/05/19 09:21:59.364 [ 1 BVO] [Router] CDN bypassed: ajax call from admin
    12/05/19 09:21:59.364 [ 1 BVO] Task init
    12/05/19 09:21:59.364 [ 1 BVO] [Router] LSCWP_CTRL bypassed empty
    12/05/19 09:21:59.507 [ 1 BVO] [Ctrl] X Cache_control -> no Cache ( Admin page ) => LSC_Control::set_nocache()@317 => LSC_Admin->admin_init()@134 => WP_Hook->apply_filters()@288
    12/05/19 09:21:59.516 [ 1 BVO] [Core] CHK html bypass: miss footer const
    12/05/19 09:21:59.516 [ 1 BVO] [Ctrl] not cacheable before ctrl finalize
    12/05/19 09:21:59.516 [ 1 BVO] [Router] get_uid: 1 => LSC_Router::get_uid()@215 => LSC_Vary->finalize_default_vary()@359 => LSC_Vary->_update_default_vary()@318 => LSC_Vary->_finalize()@510
    12/05/19 09:21:59.516 [ 1 BVO] [Router] get_role: administrator
    12/05/19 09:21:59.516 [ 1 BVO] [Cfg] role in vary_group [group] 99
    12/05/19 09:21:59.516 [ 1 BVO] [Vary] show_admin_bar_front: false
    12/05/19 09:21:59.516 [ 1 BVO] [Vary] no custimzed vary
    12/05/19 09:21:59.516 [ 1 BVO] [Core] Silence Comment due to REST/AJAX
    12/05/19 09:21:59.517 [ 1 BVO] X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control: no-cache
    12/05/19 09:21:59.517 [ 1 BVO] [Core] CHK html bypass: miss footer const
    12/05/19 09:21:59.517 [ 1 BVO] [Media] bypass: Not frontend HTML type
    12/05/19 09:21:59.517 [ 1 BVO] GUI bypassed by no counter
    12/05/19 09:21:59.517 [ 1 BVO] [Optm] bypass: Not frontend HTML type
    12/05/19 09:21:59.517 [ 1 BVO] CDN bypass
    12/05/19 09:21:59.517 [ 1 BVO] End response
    12/05/19 09:22:11.748 [ 1 FT0] ?? ------POST HTTP/1.0 (HTTPS) /admin007/admin-ajax.php
    12/05/19 09:22:11.748 [ 1 FT0] Query String:
    12/05/19 09:22:11.748 [ 1 FT0] HTTP_REFERER: https://www.docteur-fitness.com/admin007/admin.php?page=lscache-crawler
    12/05/19 09:22:11.748 [ 1 FT0] User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.108 Safari/537.36
    12/05/19 09:22:11.748 [ 1 FT0] Accept: */*
    12/05/19 09:22:11.748 [ 1 FT0] Accept Encoding: gzip,br
    12/05/19 09:22:11.748 [ 1 FT0] Cookie _lscache_vary: logged-in:1;role:99
    12/05/19 09:22:11.748 [ 1 FT0] X-LSCACHE: false
    12/05/19 09:22:11.909 [ 1 FT0] Media init
    12/05/19 09:22:11.910 [ 1 FT0] CDN init
    12/05/19 09:22:11.910 [ 1 FT0] [Router] CDN bypassed: ajax call from admin
    12/05/19 09:22:11.910 [ 1 FT0] Task init
    12/05/19 09:22:11.910 [ 1 FT0] [Router] LSCWP_CTRL bypassed empty
    12/05/19 09:22:11.952 [ 1 FT0] [Ctrl] X Cache_control -> no Cache ( Admin page ) => LSC_Control::set_nocache()@317 => LSC_Admin->admin_init()@134 => WP_Hook->apply_filters()@288
    12/05/19 09:22:14.649 [ 1 iet] ?? ------HEAD HTTP/1.0 (HTTPS) /luminotherapie-vous-reprendrez-bien-un-peu-de-soleil
    12/05/19 09:22:14.649 [ 1 iet] Query String:
    12/05/19 09:22:14.649 [ 1 iet] HTTP_REFERER: https://www.docteur-fitness.com
    12/05/19 09:22:14.649 [ 1 iet] User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.102 Safari/537.36
    12/05/19 09:22:14.649 [ 1 iet] Accept: */*
    12/05/19 09:22:14.649 [ 1 iet] Accept Encoding: gzip
    12/05/19 09:22:14.649 [ 1 iet] X-LSCACHE: false
    12/05/19 09:22:14.650 [ 1 iet] [ESI] Overwrite wp_create_nonce()
    12/05/19 09:22:14.869 [ 1 0mn] ?? ------POST HTTP/1.0 (HTTPS) /wp-cron.php
    12/05/19 09:22:14.869 [ 1 0mn] Query String: doing_wp_cron=1575534134.7660191059112548828125
    12/05/19 09:22:14.869 [ 1 0mn] HTTP_REFERER: https://www.docteur-fitness.com/wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron=1575534134.7660191059112548828125
    12/05/19 09:22:14.869 [ 1 0mn] User Agent: WordPress/5.3; https://www.docteur-fitness.com
    12/05/19 09:22:14.869 [ 1 0mn] Accept: */*
    12/05/19 09:22:14.869 [ 1 0mn] Accept Encoding: gzip
    12/05/19 09:22:14.869 [ 1 0mn] X-LSCACHE: false
    12/05/19 09:22:14.869 [ 1 0mn] [ESI] Overwrite wp_create_nonce()
    12/05/19 09:22:15.003 [ 1 0mn] [Router] get_uid: 0 => LSC_Router::get_uid()@215 => LSC_Router::get_role()@234 => LSC_Config->in_exclude_optimization_roles()@351 => LSC->after_user_init()@234
    12/05/19 09:22:15.003 [ 1 0mn] [Router] get_role:
    12/05/19 09:22:15.003 [ 1 0mn] Media init
    12/05/19 09:22:15.004 [ 1 0mn] CDN init
    12/05/19 09:22:15.004 [ 1 0mn] Task init
    12/05/19 09:22:15.004 [ 1 0mn] [Router] LSCWP_CTRL bypassed empty
    12/05/19 09:22:15.004 [ 1 0mn] GUI init
    12/05/19 09:22:15.295 [ 1 0mn] ImgOptm init
    12/05/19 09:22:15.295 [ 1 0mn] [Img_Optm] preparing images to push
    12/05/19 09:22:15.298 [ 1 0mn] [Img_Optm] optimize bypass: no image found
    12/05/19 09:22:15.299 [ 1 0mn] [Core] CHK html bypass: miss footer const
    12/05/19 09:22:15.299 [ 1 0mn] [Ctrl] not cacheable before ctrl finalize
    12/05/19 09:22:15.299 [ 1 0mn] [Router] get_role:
    12/05/19 09:22:15.299 [ 1 0mn] [Vary] role id: failed, guest
    12/05/19 09:22:15.299 [ 1 0mn] [Router] get_role:
    12/05/19 09:22:15.299 [ 1 0mn] [Router] get_role:
    12/05/19 09:22:15.299 [ 1 0mn] [Vary] no custimzed vary
    12/05/19 09:22:15.300 [ 1 0mn] X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control: no-cache
    12/05/19 09:22:15.300 [ 1 0mn] [Core] CHK html bypass: miss footer const
    12/05/19 09:22:15.300 [ 1 0mn] [Media] bypass: Not frontend HTML type
    12/05/19 09:22:15.300 [ 1 0mn] GUI bypassed by no counter
    12/05/19 09:22:15.300 [ 1 0mn] [Optm] bypass: Not frontend HTML type
    12/05/19 09:22:15.300 [ 1 0mn] CDN bypass
    12/05/19 09:22:15.300 [ 1 0mn] End response
    12/05/19 09:22:15.317 [ 1 iet] [Router] get_uid: 0 => LSC_Router::get_uid()@215 => LSC_Router::get_role()@234 => LSC_Config->in_exclude_optimization_roles()@351 => LSC->after_user_init()@234
    12/05/19 09:22:15.317 [ 1 iet] [Router] get_role:
    12/05/19 09:22:15.317 [ 1 iet] Media init
    12/05/19 09:22:15.317 [ 1 iet] CDN init
    12/05/19 09:22:15.317 [ 1 iet] Task init
    12/05/19 09:22:15.317 [ 1 iet] [Router] LSCWP_CTRL bypassed empty
    12/05/19 09:22:15.317 [ 1 iet] GUI init
    12/05/19 09:22:15.332 [ 1 iet] [Ctrl] X Cache_control init on
    12/05/19 09:22:15.376 [ 1 iet] [Core] CHK html bypass: miss footer const
    12/05/19 09:22:15.376 [ 1 iet] [Ctrl] X Cache_control off - not GET method:HEAD
    12/05/19 09:22:15.376 [ 1 iet] [Ctrl] X Cache_control -> no Cache => LSC_Control::set_nocache()@317 => LSC_Control::finalize()@566 => LSC->send_headers()@614
    12/05/19 09:22:15.376 [ 1 iet] [Router] get_role:
    12/05/19 09:22:15.376 [ 1 iet] [Vary] role id: failed, guest
    12/05/19 09:22:15.376 [ 1 iet] [Router] get_role:
    12/05/19 09:22:15.376 [ 1 iet] [Router] get_role:
    12/05/19 09:22:15.376 [ 1 iet] [Vary] no custimzed vary
    12/05/19 09:22:15.377 [ 1 iet] X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control: no-cache
    12/05/19 09:22:15.377 [ 1 iet] [Core] CHK html bypass: miss footer const
    12/05/19 09:22:15.377 [ 1 iet] [Media] bypass: Not frontend HTML type
    12/05/19 09:22:15.377 [ 1 iet] GUI bypassed by no counter
    12/05/19 09:22:15.377 [ 1 iet] [Optm] bypass: Not frontend HTML type
    12/05/19 09:22:15.377 [ 1 iet] CDN bypass
    12/05/19 09:22:15.377 [ 1 iet] End response
    12/05/19 09:22:15.747 [ 1 Lz6] ?? ------GET HTTP/1.0 (HTTPS) /admin007/admin-ajax.php
    12/05/19 09:22:15.747 [ 1 Lz6] Query String: action=blc_dashboard_status&random=0.46025113066355816
    12/05/19 09:22:15.747 [ 1 Lz6] HTTP_REFERER: https://www.docteur-fitness.com/admin007/index.php
    12/05/19 09:22:15.747 [ 1 Lz6] User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.108 Safari/537.36
    12/05/19 09:22:15.747 [ 1 Lz6] Accept: application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01
    12/05/19 09:22:15.747 [ 1 Lz6] Accept Encoding: gzip,br
    12/05/19 09:22:15.747 [ 1 Lz6] Cookie _lscache_vary: logged-in:1;role:99
    12/05/19 09:22:15.747 [ 1 Lz6] X-LSCACHE: false
    12/05/19 09:22:15.877 [ 1 Lz6] Media init
    12/05/19 09:22:15.877 [ 1 Lz6] CDN init
    12/05/19 09:22:15.878 [ 1 Lz6] [Router] CDN bypassed: ajax call from admin
    12/05/19 09:22:15.878 [ 1 Lz6] Task init
    12/05/19 09:22:15.878 [ 1 Lz6] [Router] LSCWP_CTRL bypassed empty
    12/05/19 09:22:15.913 [ 1 Lz6] [Ctrl] X Cache_control -> no Cache ( Admin page ) => LSC_Control::set_nocache()@317 => LSC_Admin->admin_init()@134 => WP_Hook->apply_filters()@288
    12/05/19 09:22:15.923 [ 1 Lz6] [Core] CHK html bypass: miss footer const
    12/05/19 09:22:15.923 [ 1 Lz6] [Ctrl] not cacheable before ctrl finalize
    12/05/19 09:22:15.923 [ 1 Lz6] [Router] get_uid: 1 => LSC_Router::get_uid()@215 => LSC_Vary->finalize_default_vary()@359 => LSC_Vary->_update_default_vary()@318 => LSC_Vary->_finalize()@510
    12/05/19 09:22:15.923 [ 1 Lz6] [Router] get_role: administrator
    12/05/19 09:22:15.923 [ 1 Lz6] [Cfg] role in vary_group [group] 99
    12/05/19 09:22:15.923 [ 1 Lz6] [Vary] show_admin_bar_front: false
    12/05/19 09:22:15.923 [ 1 Lz6] [Vary] no custimzed vary
    12/05/19 09:22:15.923 [ 1 Lz6] [Core] Silence Comment due to REST/AJAX
    12/05/19 09:22:15.923 [ 1 Lz6] X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control: no-cache
    12/05/19 09:22:15.923 [ 1 Lz6] [Core] CHK html bypass: miss footer const
    12/05/19 09:22:15.923 [ 1 Lz6] [Media] bypass: Not frontend HTML type
    12/05/19 09:22:15.923 [ 1 Lz6] GUI bypassed by no counter
    12/05/19 09:22:15.923 [ 1 Lz6] [Optm] bypass: Not frontend HTML type
    12/05/19 09:22:15.923 [ 1 Lz6] CDN bypass
    12/05/19 09:22:15.923 [ 1 Lz6] End response

    Jimmy THAI

Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 20 total)
  • I will close this topic as it’s duplicated with [Litespeed cache and cookie].

    Hi @espacemusculation have you got a solution ?

    Je parle fran?ais sinon. J’ai le même soucis sur O2switch avec erreur 400 après update d’un article.

    @stanleylitespeed give me the link to the topic [cache Litespeed et cookie]. I’ve got the same problem to @espacemusculation and looking for solution.


    Thread Starter espacemusculation


    Salut @gregm83

    J’ai pas vraiment trouvé de solution.
    En fait je dois purger le cache à chaque update de quoi que ce soit, article, page ou autre chose (par exemple le css du thème, etc.)

    Cela permet d’éviter les erreurs 400. C’est assez pénible mais ni O2switch ni Litespeed a pu résoudre ce problème.

    english version :

    I haven’t really found a solution.
    In fact I have to purge the cache at every update of anything, article, page or anything else (e.g. the theme css, etc.).

    This avoids 400 errors. It’s quite annoying but neither O2switch nor Litespeed has been able to solve this problem.

    Merci pour la réponse. Tu purges le cache dans le menu déroulant du haut de l’admin ? “Tout purger” ? Ou qu’un cache particulier ? J’ai tenté avec tout purger mais j’ai quand même l’error 400 au premier affichage de la page…

    Thread Starter espacemusculation


    Oui quand je met à jour un article par exemple, je clique directement sur “tout purger” dans le menu (en haut) de l’admin.

    Tu as quoi d’activé dans “Réglages ESI” ?


    j’ai les trois options activés ? Aujourd’hui je me suis rendu sur le site aussi et hop erreur 400 sans rien faire. Juste après la purge auto quotidienne je pense.. C’est bizarre ce truc.

    Thread Starter espacemusculation


    ok, en fait en désactivant ces 3 options cela devrait fonctionner.

    Aucun idée pourquoi cela ne fonctionne pas ainsi mais bon…

    Tiens moi au courant ??


    Thread Starter espacemusculation


    (il faudra par contre purger le cache quand même à chaque fois)

    je suis obliger d’activer le formulaire ESI. Sinon mes formulaires mail expires. As tu activé quelque chose dans l’onglet avancé et notamment le cache navigateur ?

    Thread Starter espacemusculation


    ah mince je n’étais pas obligé d’avoir cette option activé…

    dans avancé :

    Mise en cache d’objet : actif


    Connexion persistante : actif

    Stocker les transients : actif

    Cache navigateur : actif

    TTL : 10368000

    Clic instantané et HTTPS inactif

    Thread Starter espacemusculation


    sur mon site c’est vraiment le ESI qui provoquait des dysfonctionnements majeurs avec le plugin litespeed :-/

    Ah mince pourtant l’erreur 400 je l’ai que sur les pages qui ne contiennent pas de formulaire et les articles et donc justement ou l’ESI n’est pas actif… Celle ou l’esi est actif pas de soucis. Bizarre

    Thread Starter espacemusculation


    oui c’est étrange :/ c’est quoi ton site ??

    On peut pas envoyer des MP la dessus. C’est un site vitrine y’a pas beaucoup de page

    toi par contre c’est du lourd ton site ?? du traf et tout

Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 20 total)
  • The topic ‘400 error after post update or’ is closed to new replies.