4 sites broken on same root domain redirect loop
I tried to migrate the contents of one wordpress install to another to create a sandbox. Found the All-in-One WP Migration plugin and gave it a try. I ended up with four broken websites on the same domain 3 minutes later.The solution may be simple but it is beyond my knowledge.
I exported the data of verbal.ee (one working instance of WP), I then imported it under verbal.ee/yogin (another, meant for sandbox, which had old data in it before – I did not create a new instance as previoysly import-export functions of MayaShop theme did not require that, so I had no fear..). When I now try to fire up either of these I get different problems – none of the sites on the verbal.ee domain are accessible anymore. Two more subinstallations of WP became inaccessible, even though I did not touch them. I was developing another site (almost finished) under verbal.ee/yogashop and I had an English version of my main site under verbal.ee/eng – both of these have been affected as well.
1) If I go to verbal.ee I am redirected to https://verbal.ee/wp-admin/install.php and offered to perform a new install. Before there was a company website running
2) If I go to verbal.ee/yogashop/wp-admin I get a redirect loop of https://verbal.ee/yogin/yogin/yogashop?redirect_to=http%3A%2F%2Fverbal.ee%2Fyogashop%2Fwp-admin%2F&reauth=1/wp-admin/install.php
3) If I go to verbal.ee/eng/wp-admin I get the loop of https://verbal.ee/yogin/yogin/eng/wp-login.php?redirect_to=http%3A%2F%2Fverbal.ee%2Feng%2Fwp-admin%2F&reauth=1
4) If I go to verbal.ee/yogashop/wp-admin I get https://verbal.ee/yogin/yogin/yogashop?redirect_to=http%3A%2F%2Fverbal.ee%2Fyogashop%2Fwp-admin%2F&reauth=1/wp-admin/install.phpIs there a simple way to resolve this by overwriting some configuration files? Or did the database potentially get completely corrupted?
Due to hosting I have to use the same database with different WP_prefixes. So they all used the same database. I need at least the verbal.ee/yogashop website back, as I was helping someone else build a site and massive amount of work went in there for the past days. I was about to make a backup… but did not manage to do it yet…
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