• Hi,

    I’d like to post quite a few podcasts in 1 article, but it seems that podpress is limited to 6 podcasts per article.
    I’ve tried to modify podpress settings, but it doesn’t work.
    Can U help me?


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  • At the general settings page of podpress is the option Post Editing >>
    Max Number of Media Files. The default is 5. If you increase that value then you can add more than 5 episodes resp. media files to one post.
    That works with podPress 8.8.4 but it should work with 8.8, too.

    Have you tried this particular setting?

    Thread Starter jfgarcia


    Hi ntm,

    Yes, I tried that, but with no effect ;-(
    I have the 8.8.4 version…

    I can add up to 6 podcasts in 1 article, but after that, clicking on the “Add media file” button has no effect…

    Please, have a look into the error console of your browser (the name of that console in the Internet Explorer is probably different.).
    To do that: Remove the old entries if there are some and open that post in the editor of your blog and try to add a 7th media file.

    Are there any Javascript error messages in the console?

    Thread Starter jfgarcia


    I did what you say and I have this error:
    podpressmaxmediafiles not defined. The error link takes me to that line:

    for (var i=0; i < podPressMaxMediaFiles; i++) {

    Thread Starter jfgarcia


    I forgot to tell you in which file you can find this line:

    Line?: 417

    That helps a little bit. The error message says that the podPressMaxMediaFiles variable is not defined. But I’m still unsure what the cause is.

    Are you able to add media files to a new post? Or occurs this problem only if you try to add a 6th media file?
    Occurred this behaviour recently (maybe after you have installed a new plugin) or have you noticed this since you are using podPress 8.8+?
    If this problem occurred more recently then, could you tell me which plugins you installed since that time? (I can not reproduce this error in my testing blogs where I have only few plugins installed besides podPress. But maybe I can find out where an interference possibly is if I know which plugins you are using.)

    Furthermore, could you please take look into the source code of the editor page and look for the following lines?

    <!-- podPress dbx for modern WP versions - post -->
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var podPressMaxMediaFiles = 10;

    Are these lines in the source code? Is there a value like 10, in this example? Or is there no value between the equal sign and the semicolon?

    Thread Starter jfgarcia


    1) I had a look at the editor code, and the config I set up is ok :

    <!-- podPress dbx for modern WP versions - post -->
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var podPressMaxMediaFiles = 500;

    As you can see, I put 500 to be sure!!

    2) To answer your question: I can add up to 6 media files in a new post. It blocks when trying to add the seventh one.

    3) I cannot updgrade to wordpress 2.9.2 because I don’t have the right MySQL version on my server :
    The update cannot be installed because WordPress 2.9.2 requires MySQL version 4.1.2 or higher. You are running version 4.0.27.
    Can there be a link?

    Although I don’t know the cause of this problem, I think it is unlikely that this problem has something to do with WP 2.8.5 or that an update would resolve it. But I going to test with 2.8.5 later.

    But my guess is that there some more Javascript errors or other problems during the loading process of the editor page in your blog. To be sure on that I need more of your help.
    Please, open the admin Site of your blog and clear the Javascript error console. After that open the editor to add a new post and look again into this error console. Please, post all error messages here.

    The reason why I believe that there should be other error messages is your your answer 1). The variable podPressMaxMediaFiles is actually defined. But if there is an JS error during the page loading process then the browser ignores somehow all JS code which is in the lines of code below that line with the error. In other words if there is another error during page loading in a line above the declaration of podPressMaxMediaFiles then it is like the variable is not defined (as the error message says).

    There is another thing I like to know: Please, look again into the source code of this editor page and search for two strings:

    <div id="podPressMediaFileContainer_6


    <div id="podPressMediaFileContainer_499

    (while podPressMaxMediaFiles is still 500)
    If the element podPressMediaFileContainer_499 not exists then the problem source is found. The non-existence of this element would be an indication that page is not loaded completely and that you should decrease this podPressMaxMediaFiles value.

    But the very high podPressMaxMediaFiles value of 500 could cause trouble at different places, too. That is why I think that in every case it is worth a try with a much lower value e.g 20 or 30.

    In general I recommend to use a value that is not much bigger than what you really need.

    We are getting closer to the problems cause! Thank you for your reports so far.

    Now, I have tested WP 2.8.5 and podPress 8.8.4 and it causes no problems.
    I would say that the problem is independently of the WP version.

    (Furthermore I have tried with podPressMaxMediaFiles = 500. A value that high increases the loading time of the editor page very much (depending on the computer you are using). At first I used an old computer and it took several minutes to load the page and on a more powerful computer it was not as fluently as with podPressMaxMediaFiles = 20.)

    Thread Starter jfgarcia


    Thanx ntm.
    Well, it’s a bit strange, because now, when I create a new article, I CAN post more then 6 podcasts.
    BUT, as for a previous post already created, it remains limited to 6 podcasts…
    Impossible to add more than that… The button remains inactive…

    Thread Starter jfgarcia


    Also, I can see the <div id="podPressMediaFileContainer_499, even in the old article (for which I cannot add more than 6 podcasts)

    Well, it’s a bit strange, because now, when I create a new article, I CAN post more then 6 podcasts.

    Have you decreased the podPressMaxMediaFiles value before?

    BUT, as for a previous post already created, it remains limited to 6 podcasts…
    Impossible to add more than that… The button remains inactive…

    Also, I can see the <div id=”podPressMediaFileContainer_499, even in the old article (for which I cannot add more than 6 podcasts)

    That all podPressMediaFileContainer are in place is very good. But now I’m really interested to know whether there are other Javascript errors during the loading process of the editor page of these older posts?

    Thread Starter jfgarcia


    Have you decreased the podPressMaxMediaFiles value before?

    No, I didn’t change it.

    But now I’m really interested to know whether there are other Javascript errors during the loading process of the editor page of these older posts?

    The message remains :
    podPressMaxMediaFiles is not defined
    Ligne?: 417

    I was hoping that there other Javascript error messages during the loading process of the page with editor. But since there is no other (further) error in the Javascript error console and I’m unable to reproduce this behaviour in my test system I would like to install your the plugins in my test blog. Maybe one of them causes this problem or is creates an environment which leads podPress to fail.

    Could you list your plugins? Or could you try to deactivate temporarily all plugins except podPress and try if this changes something? If deactivating all other plugins changes something then activate the plugins one after another and try every time if this error occurs again.

    Thread Starter jfgarcia


    Here are the activated plugins:

    A simple visitor counter for WordPress. It is a simple widget. It also works with cached sites.

    Easy Contact
    Easy Contact is a simple, semantic contact form that utilizes the Sandbox design patterns. Insert using [easy-contact]. A plaintxt.org experiment for WordPress.

    The podPress pluggin gives you everything you need in one easy plugin to use WordPress for Podcasting. Set it up in ‘podPress’->Feed/iTunes Settings. If you this plugin works for you, send us a comment.

    Raven’s Antispam
    Smart antispam based on a JavaScript method. No questions, great efficiency and maximal accessibility – everything you can need.

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