• mathmo


    I was early this morning (5 hrs ago) adding some new themes (from: https://themehybrid.com/themes)

    However I believe after I activated “WP Full Site” (https://developdaly.com/themes/wpfullsite/) that the site then went completely blank, everything is just an empty white page. I can’t access ANYWHERE! Even mysite.com/wp-admin/ is like that…

    Any ideas what went wrong and how to fix it?

    As I believe it was the theme changing which did it (how did it impact even wp-admin?!) I’m hopeful by changing the theme again I can fix this? Anyway to manually change this via ftp or through mysql?

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  • esmi


    FTP into your site and delete the wp-content/themes/wpfullsite folder. That should activate the default theme and get you back in.

    Thread Starter mathmo


    cheers! but after I tried that…. I got this (with H1 markup!) at mysite.com:

    Error establishing a database connection

    edit: I’m a moron! Of course it couldn’t establish a DB connection as I changed the mysql password :s

    But once I fixed that in the configure file it still doesn’t work

    Thread Starter mathmo


    I’ve decided to delete everything on the webserver and and replace it with a fresh wordpress download

    hopefully this will work? will only need to reupload the a few themes and put back the google analytics code

    that is if I keep my fingers crossed the mysql database is fine and won’t need to be fixed, as that is holding all the posts in it :s


    update: I’ve done a completely clean reinstall from a wordpress downloaded off this site only a few minutes ago, yet still I’m getting everything as completely blank!

    Thread Starter mathmo


    getting very worrying as I’ve now found a total of FOUR people have written about more or less exactly the same problem, all in the space of just a few hours:







    Given that there have already more than 5 million downloads of WP 2.9 – many by people with little or no technical expertise – 3* threads in a few hours where people have experienced early install/theme activation problems isn’t bad going. It certainly doesn’t hint at any bugs or core issues. If that was the case, there would be hundreds of threads in a few hours.

    1. Did you empty out the database when you re-installed?

    2. Have you tried setting up a new database?

    3. Did you install any themes or plugins?

    * The VevisoEnterprises topic was over 4 years old.

    Thread Starter mathmo


    I don’t want to empty out the database as I’d lose all the posts that have been made

    I haven’t installed any themes or plugins on the new reinstallation as I can’t even access wp-admin!

    As for VevisoEnterprise, a typo is there (left a one off):
    (which IS only a few hours before my problems, but yes… I do get your point that if it is a bug/core issue then you’d see many more, however I still think it is a somewhat odd coincidence)

    I had the same issue (trying to activate Buddymatic after using Thematic Power Blog with Buddypress installed).

    You can manually select a different installed theme by changing the fields “template” and “stylesheet” in the table “wp_options” in MySQL. Simply enter the folder name of the theme.

    I’ve got my site and admin interface back. Phew!

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