• At the moment I have three different wordpress blogs in two different MySQL-databases at two different servers for various reasons. Is there a way to merge these into one?

    I have tried searching but I can’t seem to find an answer for this. If there is please point me to any relevant support pages.

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  • Uh, the link above will not help you.

    What you’re looking to do can be done, but it won’t be easy, and will require quite a bit of massaging of the SQL data. I’d suggest searching through the forums, though you may find some of the information discouraging.

    If you move all three blogs onto the same server the above link will assist you.

    Sorry I forgot to add that caveat.

    Marc, sorry, but that will not help him (as Kafkaesqu?- said) because he wants to have one single blog with the content from the existing 3. Which means combining the 3 DBs in one, and that’s quite nightmare-ish ??


    combine them this way and set it to set the permalink to the combined site, not the source site. Then just update the combined site in the future. voila, combined blog.

    Thread Starter pelles


    Thanks for the suggestions so far. Kafkaesqui and moshu seems to be closest to what I have in mind. But it seems really complicated. Wouldn’t it be possible to modify one of the import-scripts and simply inport the posts and comments, which are the only stuff I want to merge into the new blogdatabase.

    It requires you to manually merge the contents of four tables, not very complicated, shouldn’t take you more few hours at most, if you do it carefully and have phpmyadmin installed.

    Backup first.

    Some important points on this:

    1. The main tables that would have to be *handled* in a merge: wp_posts and wp_comments. It’s possible wp_categories and wp_post2cat would we needed (if a blog has categories you wish to preserve), wp_postmeta, and even wp_users. (Note the table prefix may vary.)

    2. The difficulty in merging two or more databases/table structures is the unique identifiers for the various components; ID for the posts table, comment_ID for comments, and cat_ID for categories (and let’s not forget rel_id in post2cat, meta_id for postmeta and ID for users). These values could be NULL’ed in the dump file and an import would correctly reset them, but you still lose the connection that exists between post<>categories in post2cat and post<>comments in comments (as well as post<>custom field data in the postmeta table, and user<>post in the post table).

    3. All this is easy to manage if were talking about a few, or few dozen, posts from the database(s) to be merged. You could import the posts, collect the new post IDs, and modify the other tables in the dump file to point to the correct (i.e. new) one. When it gets to hundreds of posts this becomes difficult.

    I’m in the position of wanting to do the same thing – merge three different wordpress blogs into one. The total posts are definitely in the hundreds, if not thousands. Not being a mySQL goddess, I’m beginning to despair of finding a way to do this.

    I’m not sure if you solved this or not, but I ‘simply’ exported to the moveabletype format, then imported back to the other wordpress blog. my only trouble is that it messed up my japanese writing.

    the handy WPexport plugin:

    and the import instructions:

    did you find any other solutions?

    i just want to add that using this method worked perfectly, my only problem was i needed to save my japanese text as UTF-8 and it was no prob!

    exporting via the WPexport plugin, and import-mt.php brings in all posts, the authors, and comments. no problem!

    Does this method require movabletype or can I just import the export file? I have a blogger account if that’s the case.

    nope, you don’t need MT. if you can imagine that you’re just dumping out all the content you need, saving it as a text file, and importing back into the other WP blog.

    so, the WPexport plugin, and the import-mt.php just help you manage moving the file from one wordpress blog to another!

    it’s brilliantly easy!

    Oh my gosh, that was so easy. Only hang up I was looking for an export function when i just needed to copy/paste the posts to export (via plugin) See all my “new” posts at https://archshrk.com

    Thanks nearlythere!

    I spoke too soon. There were a couple of problems. Some posts were doupble posted with the comments divided between them. Some were catagorized incorrectly. An some had their comments closed. Still the best solution I found but not fool proof.

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