• Hello all. I’m getting an error message when I try to post a reply to a P2 installation my company is using from IE7 or IE8. A box pops up on clicking “submit” and it asks me if I’m sure I want to navigate away from this page. Editing comments works, and posting new posts works, but not posting replies. Works fine in every other browser.

    And before anyone says “don’t use IE”, there’s no choice- we’re using P2 as a workgroup/collaboration tool with a bunch of offices whose IT staff has decided to force everyone to use IE, and won’t let anyone install any other software.

    So anybody know why this might be happening?

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  • I see the exact same thing. Cannot post comments in IE – not from front page nor from the post page itself. Getting the same error dialog (“Are you sure you want to navigate…”).

    This looks like quite a critical issue.

    I tested with IE7 and the same thing happened.
    If cancel returns to form but the answer comes.
    Too bad.
    Lauro Faria

    Are there any plans of fixing this issue?

    Even though I am not a fan of IE but a great deal of my users use it. And yes a lot of the people who work in offices or agencies use Internet Explorer because they really have no choice… I personally recommend using Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or the Apple Safari Browser.

    Anyway, this bug needs to be ironed out soon. Thank you in advanced!

    fyi: Google to Phase Out Support for Web Browsers

    I get this same issue.

    IE7 and IE8

    No plugins installed.

    This needs to be fixed, its confusing my users!

    Which version of P2 is this happening on?

    I use WP 2.9.1 and P2 1.1.3

    If there is any code that can be quickly posted here in the forum as a fix, it would be much appreciated!

    In the mean time, I found where that error is being produced and deleted it so it wont pop up in IE.

    p2/inc/js.php on line 41

    'unsaved_changes' => __('Your comments or posts will be lost if you continue.', 'p2'),

    I know this isn’t really a fix, but works in the meantime.

    noel, I have the exact issue here and have the same specs as cheovent:
    WP(MU) 2.9.1
    P2 – latest from the themes repository

    In addition to the error message, the AJAX processing of the replies seems “broken” somehow in MSIE 8.0.

    FWIW, I tried deleting line 41 as cheovent recommended, but it doesn’t remove the error message.

    Actually, it’s very important to solve this issue…
    Most of my users are using IE7 and IE8 and they are faced with this problem too.
    Does anybody could resolve this problem?

    Could you try editing p2.js line 7, change

    if ( loggedin == true ) window.onbeforeunload = false;


    if ( loggedin == true ) window.onbeforeunload = null;

    I’m trying to set up a employee blog using P2. I must say it’s very uphill. I have even considered making a changelog because of all the hacks and tweaks I’ve had to implement, so they wouldn’t be lost in the next update.

    The problem is IE7. Like the original poster IE7 is the browser we are forced to use in the organization.

    I’ve had the mentioned issues above and applied the fixes. All was great, but now I’m also getting a “Please login again” error. In all browsers.

    I guess it’s cheovent‘s hack, that has a downside and azaozz‘ hack doesn’t solve the issue.

    To Noel and you other developers. Try to make P2 IE7 and IE8 friendly. I love the possibilities in P2, but lets face it. We may use Firefox, Safari and Google Chrome at home, but in the workplaces IE is the standard and P2s potential lies in the offices more that in the homes.

    Just my opinion. Keep up the good work.



    As far as I know, the P2 theme works fine in IE with the exception of this AJAX replies problem. Are there other incompatibilities with IE?



    anyone figure this out. can i change the ajax thing. i dont know what it is really. but would love for this to work in IE

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