Hello Brajesh and Ryan,
thanks for responding!
Oddly, this is a standard answer for all problems, “change your theme” and “disable all lug-ins and try one by one”. On a site with almost 280,000 active users that i snot so easily done.
Maybe I look at it too simply: if everything works, and then I install a minor update from jetpack (a 3rd “x.x.2” level update) and it breaks something, isn’t it obvious that the problem lies within that update, and should not cause users to turn off everything else on the site to find a conflict?
I wasn’t aware we picked a “fork” plug-in (sigh). Reading through a lot of documentation, I now understand picking any kind of gallery roduct is risky, when that plug-in is not “tightly integrated” with Buddypress.
We are surely willing to switch to a different gallery / user album product, if that can be done without all the members having to re-upload all their pictures.
HOWEVER … oddly enough, when I was just looking to get the album samle URL, I found now the member albums suddenly work again (??).
Which of course is GREAT, but it leaves me absolutely puzzled as to why that is. The upload function is still broken, but that was the case already shortly before the jetpack update, leaving us with the alternative album product question, but it does not belong here.
So I guess we can consider this one resolved.
Thanks for your feedback though!