• Please read the whole thread – many people have added useful information !

    This applies ONLY to an upgrade from 1.5 to 1.5.1 – it is not the method to use if upgrading from an earlier version.

    It may look complicated – it isn’t!

    1. BACKUP your database
    2. Download 1.5.1. Unzip it.
    3. Open the unzipped folder, and DELETE wp-images. (You have no need for these in an upgrade)
    4. Now open your ftp program and go to your blog directories
    5. On the server, delete the directories wp-admin and wp-includes. Note: If you have “languages” directory in your wp-includes folder (with .mo files) you may want to save/backup those before deleting the wp-includes directory. Upload the new ones.
    6. The Classic and Default themes have been changed slightly so if you wish to, you can upload those to your wp-content folder.
    7. (See the post below this)

    8. On the server and at blog root, delete the old WordPress files and upload new ones. I recommend you do this one by one if you are not sure. Do not delete wp-config.php.
    9. Now run “www.example.com/wp-admin/upgrade.php”

    That’s it.
    You don’t go near your wp-content folder so your themes and plugins are perfectly safe. this is a very easy upgrade – probably the easiest one yet for WordPress.

    Please use a proper ftp client.

    Please don’t think it’s easier to overwrite and not bother deleting files first – you will get errors, you’ll post here for help, we’ll tell you to do it properly, you will and the errors will go away. Far easier to cut that middle stuff out ??

    If you wish, you can delete the following files:

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  • Wow, my dashbord says the release news was posted 6 minutes gao ??
    Thanks, podz, for the guide!

    Thanks Podz, now to try and remember what changes I’ve made in the admin files…

    Thread Starter Mark (podz)


    Template Changes
    There have been some changes in the two themes that ship with WP. If you have ANY problems at all, please do post – with your blog address – and help will be with you asap.
    As this thread grows, it may be useful to have a good read of this thread just in case it is already covered.

    Note. If you have “languages” directory in your wp-includes folder (with .mo files) you may want to save/backup those before deleting the wp-includes directory.

    Moderator James Huff


    The plugin “Entity2NCR” is not compatible with WordPress v1.5.1 and will produce errors after upgrading. This is because Entity2NCR’s functionality has been included with WP v1.5.1. Please make sure that you have deactivated the plugin before upgrading.

    Is it necessary to deactivate plugins with this one?

    [[Ah. Nev’ mind – I missed that statement when I read earlier….]]

    “The plugin “Entity2NCR” is not compatible with WordPress v1.5.1 and will produce errors after upgrading.”

    I’ve placed a notice on the plugin’s page that one should deactivate it before upgrading. But it helps to get the word out, considering how many have downloaded it!

    By the way, one of the first 200 to download 1.5.1. Woo!

    W00h00 my Monday is brighter now hehe yay. I have used 1.5.1 for quite some time now and am happy to finally see it go live. Great work people.

    does this mean zedrdave can come out of hiding now?

    Me too Kaf! Was a 172 when I got it….

    haha the counter was broken when i downloaded it.

    hmm, does anyone know where I can edit in 1.5.1 to allow equal level users to edit posts/comments of each other?


    Unless its changed dramatically, this is the place to look.


    I’m sure there are other threads out there too…

    I’ve got a question on this, with the law of sod, some of the files I have edited, or modified required the editing of files within the whatsit folder – er…wp-admin I think, amongst others. The trick y thing is, I don’t remember which files I’ve edited, anyway I can apply the security fix without doing a full upgrade. Add to which I think some of the plugins required files being thrown in the core folder – this is a whore.

    Need tips and advice on 1) whether this update is critical 2) what’s the best way to go about it with regards to the above.

    Theme folder isn’t too big a deal – I have a back up of that, I have a back of everything actually, but the bugger is how do I get it to a state that it will all work without endless errors, saving the fact that I don’t remember what I’ve done? You can’t read my mind, I’m not memory expert, so I guess I’m screwed?

    With regards to certain files I can match and say “ah senor, this is not same, si?” and that won’t be a prob. I hte upgrades, but they are a necessary evil I suppose

    thanks schulte, i didn’t see that thread when searching, and the ones i did find told me to edit in a file which didn’t seem to work for 1.5

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