• Hello,
    I have been updating our website on my own, but I recently asked someone to make some changes to the main page and they were not able to do it and I have not heard from them since.
    My problem is I urgently need to be able to change my homepage (the first page that people see because there is an error on it. I don’t have a backup of the index.php, but I did copy pasted the whole index.php code some time ago unto a word document. After the guy worked on the website and wasn’t able to help, it said the following on the index.php:
    // Silence is golden.

    I deleted it and copy pasted the original index.php code which I still had on a word document. I clicked save, but the website still does not change. I don’t know what to do. Can anyone help?Thank you.


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  • Site content is in the database, not static in a file like index.php. Put

    // Silence is golden.

    back in that index.php file, and then log into WordPress and edit your site that way.

    See New To WordPress – Where to Start and Getting Started with WordPress.

    Thread Starter jmo77


    Hello Songdogtech,
    I don’t understand how I can edit my site after putting back: <?php
    // Silence is golden.
    Can you please explain how it is done.

    Thread Starter jmo77


    Thanks for your help, but I still did not get the answer I need.

    I am not very familiar with wordpress, but I used to make changes to the homepage through WordPress: Appearance/ Editor and then Main Index Templete (index.php). I can no longer make changes that way. It does not work for some reason.
    My main question is: Can someone please explain to me step by step where and how exactly can I edit my homepage now without using the index.php.
    I appreciate your help.

    Don’t mess with anything except your theme files, which should be in ‘wp-content/themes/<yourthemename>’. Put everything else back like you found it.

    You may have trouble with your backup file. You never want to edit code in a word processor like MSWord. You can end up with illegal characters and blow the layout.

    Thread Starter jmo77


    thanks to everyone. What helped me in the end were the followin instructions from wordpress:

    To create the static front page, go to the WordPress Administration Panels.

    Create two WordPress Pages from the “Add New Page” panel.
    Title one as “Home” (or another name) as your “static” front page.
    Set the “Home” template to the default template or any custom template.
    Add content you would like to see within the content area of the “Home” page.
    Publish the Page.
    Title the second one as “Blog” (or you could call it “News”, “Articles”, etc.). This page will be a place-holder for showing the Posts on your site.
    Do not use a custom Page template for this page!
    DO NOT add content to the Blog Page. Leave it blank. Any content here will be ignored — only the Title is used.
    Publish the Page.
    Go to Administration > Settings > Reading panel.
    Set which page will be designated the “front” page. Choose from display your latest blog posts on the “Blog” Page and “static page” for the “Home” Page.
    Save changes.

    Everything is ok for now. thanks

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