• Resolved Mad Max


    As I commented here, I’ve found some little problems in this plugin (no more maintained and supported since 2007-12-14), and due to the lack of similar plugins, I’ve decided to write a new release 2.1.3, with some patches

    Version 2.1.3 changelogs
    1) fixed localization problem (localization didn’t work for me in WP 2.8.4)
    2) created Italian po and mo files for Italian transalation
    3) Major modification in the “theme embedding capabilities” of Subscription manager
    3a) Modified admin page, no longer takes path to header, sidebar, footer files. It asks for (X)Html code to insert after header, befor sidebar(s) and after sidebar(s) (many thanks goes to Customize your community plugin for the original idea!)
    3b) One or more sidebars supported

    Feel free to download this ‘new release’ from there.

    Many thanks go obviously to the original author Mark Jaquith.


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  • Thank you very much!!



    Thanks so much for updating this plugin.

    Will you be taking control of updating this plugin for future releases?



    Thanks for updating this one. I am really looking forward to using it. I uploaded it to a test website I use and I had partial success and a few issues.

    (1)I uploaded the plug-in and activated it, but I see no “Settings”, “Options”, “Configuration Panel”. Shouldn’t there be something there? I recall a mention in the code or in the document.

    (2)I am known to not see something that is obviously there. Having said this, I could not find anywhere a link to the Subscription Manager. After receiving my first test subscription message I received the link to it: https://www.mywebsite.com/?wp-subscription-manager, I think. Is that it?

    (3)On my test subscriber browser session (managing with FireFox and testign with Internet Explorer) I have the text and link “You are subscribed to this entry. Manage your subscriptions.” However, when I click on this I am put on the site’s homepage.

    (4)By the way, when I placed the plug-in linked above (https://www.w3b.it/download/subscribe-to-comments_213.zip) on my WordPress site I noticed the version there says “Version 2.1.2”. I assume this is just an oversight on updating the version number in the code and not that the zip contains the older version.

    (Just a note)A very small improvement to add to the next version would be to spell “followup” correctly as “follow-up” in the text “Notify me of followup comments via e-mail“.

    I am using WordPress 2.8.6 now. I also tested on a different site using 2.8.5 and the results were the same. Please help. I hope I am just missing something obvious and embarrassing.



    @miotracosa don’t you have the “subscribe to comments” link in the settings section of your admin? This “new update” is a little peculiar, especially considering it doesn’t seem to be updated in the plugins directory and it’s not really working. Not to mention the version number isn’t even “updated”.

    I installed it. Tried to send a test message and nothing.



    Hi neononcon, ok, I was lost, yes, I do have a “subscribe to comments” link in the settings section. I did not notice it there. I guess I have been pampered by my other plugins which have had a link on the plug summary page to the settings. Thanks for your help. Unfortunately, nothing there seems to help my issues.

    Strange thing for me is the both the “old” and the “new update” version of the plugin perform the exact same for me. Both send email, but the Subscription Manager is totally un-functional. Without this tool I don’t think I can ask visitors to sign up for updates via email. I don’t want to have to administer their subscriptions for them.



    I just dug some more on this issue and I think I know what the problem is. My “Manage Your Subscriptions” URL comes over like this:


    If I chop off the &ref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.hairextensionsreviews.com%2Farticles%2Fgeneral-articles%2Fwhat-is-hand-tied-hair%2Fcomment-page-1%2F part of the string then the URL is good.

    This also is true of the URL made available to the author, which is:
    https://www.hairextensionsreviews.com/?wp-subscription-manager=1&ref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.hairextensionsreviews.com. If I access this I get nothing, but if I take off the &ref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.hairextensionsreviews.com string then it works just fine. Its ugly, but it works.

    So…. what is the point of that “ref” variable? Removing it seems to fix things considerably. Does anyone else have trouble with this? Do theirs look differently? I am very curious before I start creating my own “new version” of this plug-in.




    I figured out that the ref variable is used to provide a link in the Subscription Manager that takes the user back to the post they were viewing previously.

    Anyway, since my problems are not limited to this version of the plugin I am going to stop commenting on this thread/topic. If you want to follow the progress of this issue please go to:

    Subscribe to Comments Works, Subscription Manager Does NOT (2.8.6)


    Hey mad_max, why don’t you submit your ‘reloaded’ plugin to the plugins directory? I’m glad to see you have fixed some things, but I think there are many wordpress users out there (myself included) who will only install pliugins from www.remarpro.com – as these plugins are under the scrutiny of the wordpress community.

    Hey MiOtraCosa,

    1. I’ll try to do the same as you did and see if it works for me.
    2. Since you went forward on this plugin, I’ll have to agree with dholowiski : you should consider having a “reloaded” version of the plugin. And if you don’t have time to maintain it aftewards, I’m sure there will be someone out there you can pass it on to.


    — Woods

    Yes, someone please upload this an an official plugin! I’d do it myself if I knew anything at all about PHP. Alas, I don’t. ??

    I would be very interested in doing a pt_pt version of the plugin


    Thanks for a neat module!

    I am having problems with the look of the subscription manager.

    a) if I leave “Use custom style for Subscription Manager” unckecked, the subscription manager is on a white background with no theme or borders (it spans the whole page), no header, footer or sidebar.

    b) if I tick it, I see the side bar *underneath* everything, still a white page, no header or footer

    c) if I put any character in the “Code to insert after header:” box, then I get the header and footer, but the sidebar is still below everything. Also some text spills over the borders of the blog (left and right)

    I am using the default theme. One possible problem is that I suspect that some of my file permissions are not all perfect (what requirements are there for this plugin?), but everything else on the blog works like a charm.

    Any help would be much appreciated.


    Hello. This is one of the most helpful and useful WP plugins I ever came accross with, so congratulations to both the author, Mark Jaquith, and mad_max!

    I manage to customize the layout of the Suscription Manager to fit the needs of my girlfriend’s blog, Laws and Languages.

    What I would like to know is if it would be possible to have the plug-in load a modified version of the header.php (say, headermod.php) instead of the header.php itself. This way, one could use the modified version with the Suscription Manager alone (which would allow for a better and more efficient integration with the plug-in) and still use the header.php everywhere else on the blog (i.e., on quitting the Manager).

    I tried changing some “header” references but it only broke the custom plug-in display.

    Any ideas or input on this would be veyr much appreciated. Thanks!

    Oops! seems like I messed up the code for the link to the blog. It’s https://www.lawsandlanguages.com.

    It is posible to add again version 2.1.3. to download?

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