• Recently upgraded to 1.3.6 version of NextGen.

    Works fine from admin side. Activated the plugin sidewide. Now when non-admin users try to manage their gallery, they are directed to this message:

    ‘Upgrade NextGEN Gallery

    The script detect that you upgrade from a older version. Your database tables for NextGEN Gallery is out-of-date, and must be upgraded before you can continue. If you would like to downgrade later, please make first a complete backup of your database and the images.

    The upgrade process may take a while, so please be patient.
    Start upgrade now…’

    I see this also when back-ending a user’s blog. Clicking ‘start upgrade now’ claims to upgrade successfully but then loops back to the error page detecting an older version.

    Tried uninstalling, deleting, and reinstalling the plugin to no avail.

    Any ideas?

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  • From which version do you try to upgrade ?

    Thread Starter welshpixie


    The version immediately previous – I’ve been keeping up with the releases as they’ve been coming out.

    That’s real strange as i didn’t change anything betweeen 1.3.5 and 1.3.6. Have you access to your database via phpmyadmin ?

    Thread Starter welshpixie


    We do, yes.

    I’m finding it very peculiar because it doesn’t seem to be happening on all blogs. My admin account blogs are fine, and some of my accounts that are normal user accounts and don’t have admin rights are also fine, but then other normal user accounts are seeing this ‘upgrade’ page when they try to use the gallery. It doesn’t matter whether I log into the back-end of those blogs as admin and try the upgrade link, it still goes through this upgrade loop ??

    You didn’t run WPMU ?

    Thread Starter welshpixie


    We’re on 2.8.4 of WPMU and buddypress 1.1 release.

    It would be next time great if you could mentioned if you use WPMU or BuddyPress

    Thread Starter welshpixie


    Sorry, I assumed ‘activated sitewide’, ‘back-ending a user’s blog’ and numerous mentions to admin blogs and user blogs would have been clues enough that I’m on WPMU…

    I didn’t tested WPMU a long time, the upgrade routine check a setting which is maybe not available for user blogs. When I got some time I will look inot WPMU again…

    Thread Starter welshpixie


    Ahh, no problem. It’s strange that it’s suddenly happening now, especially since nothing changed between 1.3.5 and 1.3.6! Heheh.

    I just ran into this problem, it is WPMU specific. The way I got it to work was this:

    1. Open up the nggallery.php file and change the $dbversion on line 48 to 1.4.1
    2. Go back to the gallery page in the admin and when it prompts you for the upgrade, upgrade it and it should upgrade properly. This needs to be done on each blog.
    3. ** If for some reason it doesn’t upgrade, that probably means the database option does not exist in the database. I think this happens if you’ve created a blog during this looping issue, as it doesn’t seem to create the proper options. If this is the case you need to open up your database, go to the wp_x_options table and first see if there is an entry with the option_name ‘ngg_db_version’. If there isn’t create one and give it the option_value of ‘1.4.1’ w/o the quotes, set autoload to yes.

    ** You might be able to bypass step 3 if step 2 fails, by just deactivating the plug-in and reactivating it. I wasn’t able to do this cause the site that I had this issue on is an live site.

    Lastly this all may be caused by only having the plug-in activated “sitewide”. It is possible that if you activate it individually on each new blog instead of making it a “sitewide” plug-in that it won’t suffer from this problem.

    I have started working with NextGen Gallery 1.4.0 version and later I have update the gallery and now itz version is 1.4.3

    It works fine with existing blog. But in newly created blog it loop around upgrades

    I have follow the solution provide by simplistik but still having the same error

    I am using the WordPress 2.9-beta2 (single site, single user) and did a clean install of NextGen 1.4.3. I got stuck in this loop first time.

    Simplistik’s solution was a life saver. Indeed the ngg_db_version was missing from the wp_options table. And indeed in the nggallery.php file, the dbversion was set to 1.4.0 instead of 1.4.3.

    After making sure both the file and the db table contain the 1.4.3 entry everything started to work fine.

    Thank you, Simplistik!

    I should mention the install also failed to create the necessary tables in the database.

    So in total, I inserted one record into wp_options and created three tables.

    Assuming you prefix your tables with wp_ the 3 sql statements would be like this:

    INSERT INTO wp_options (
    option_id, blog_id, option_name, option_value, autoload
    VALUES (
    NULL , ‘0’, ‘ngg_db_version’, ‘1.4.3’, ‘yes’

    CREATE TABLE wp_ngg_pictures (
    post_id BIGINT(20) DEFAULT ‘0’ NOT NULL ,
    galleryid BIGINT(20) DEFAULT ‘0’ NOT NULL ,
    filename VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL ,
    description MEDIUMTEXT NULL ,
    alttext MEDIUMTEXT NULL ,
    imagedate DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0000-00-00 00:00:00’,
    exclude TINYINT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ ,
    sortorder BIGINT(20) DEFAULT ‘0’ NOT NULL ,
    meta_data LONGTEXT,
    PRIMARY KEY pid (pid),
    KEY post_id (post_id)

    CREATE TABLE wp_ngg_gallery (
    name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL ,
    galdesc MEDIUMTEXT NULL ,
    pageid BIGINT(20) DEFAULT ‘0’ NOT NULL ,
    previewpic BIGINT(20) DEFAULT ‘0’ NOT NULL ,
    author BIGINT(20) DEFAULT ‘0’ NOT NULL ,
    PRIMARY KEY gid (gid)

    CREATE TABLE wp_ngg_album (
    name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL ,
    previewpic BIGINT(20) DEFAULT ‘0’ NOT NULL ,
    albumdesc MEDIUMTEXT NULL ,
    sortorder LONGTEXT NOT NULL,
    pageid BIGINT(20) DEFAULT ‘0’ NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY id (id)

    I have this same issue with our installation of WPMU 2.8.6 and NextGen 1.4.3 with NextGen Active Site Wide (I also tested with WPMU and NGG 1.5.0b1). I discovered that if I deactivate NextGen and then reactivate it site wide, all of the blogs that are displaying the upgrade loop bug, now work!

    Basically, any new blog that is created under this configuration with NGG active site wide will not function. There will be no tables created in the database for NGG as eleavings indicates above. By deactivating and re-activating NGG, all of the tables get created.

    I tested this on a local test install of WPMU in MAMP. I am nervous about doing this to the live install as we have hundreds of users and I can not anticipate what might happen to anyone who is actively using NGG.

    I am interested in hearing from Alex if he plans on making the necessary fixes to NGG for it to work with current versions of WPMU. I don’t see any mention of this in the changelog for v1.5.0b1 and it is still broken with that version.

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