• Is there a genuine reason we have to go in and enable this plugin everytime we update? I don’t see that anything has changed and it makes me wonder if it’s just a way to nag us to donate. So I guess the real question is, if we donate, can we upgrade without having to enable every single time?
    I don’t use this plugin but one of the non profits that I help out does so I don’t even know if I feel comfortable asking a non-profit to make a donation.


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  • personally speaking this thing of activating after updating does not bother me at all. it is not that i have to click 50 times before activating the plugin. I can indulge myself into clicking once to get something free…isn’t it?

    Thread Starter roadchild


    Yeah well maybe if there wasn’t a new update everytime I log in.
    I guess I just expect more from a “Senior WordPress Developer”
    If a donation will stop the nagging it would be good to know so I can donate on the non profits behalf.

    I must admit that this does get on my nerves too and actually, I’m less likely to donate because of this. If the plugin was only updated once every couple of months or something, I wouldn’t mind so much. But when it’s sometimes updated three days in a row, this does tend to get annoying – especially as it’s a totally unnecessary step in an upgrade process that was designed to be super quick and hassle free.

    Perhaps the developer would consider doing this direction to the donation screen once every major update or something (1.x, rather than 1.x.x). Or even better, just not doing it at all! ??

    Even after you donate, both the donate and the enable button both automatically un-check every time there’s an upgrade. Pretty lame “feature,” and I definitely won’t be donating to them again.

    Michael Torbert


    WordPress Virtuoso

    > Yeah well maybe if there wasn’t a new update everytime I log in

    Some people never can be satisfied, hm?

    The plugin is free to use, the developer creates this in his spare time or office time (don’t know) for you to use, adds as many features as possible / per request from what I see, updates when there are security issues, and yet there are people complaining that there are too many updates?

    Some people even voted in that poll on their page to update once per month, or even less!?

    There’s something called a changelog. If there’s an update, look what has been updated and if you need it/want it.
    If it’s a security update, don’t whine, update. Or whining will be even greater if security hole has been exploited.

    > I guess I just expect more from a “Senior WordPress Developer”
    I expect from any dev that he/she takes good care of their software, which obviously is done.

    You can always go out and code your own, see how you fare.

    Regarding the plugin being disabled.
    Last few updates I looked, hasn’t happened, don’t recall however if it happened before, could have been, but then being activated by colleague before I’ve seen it, so can’t say for sure that’s an issue or not.

    Thread Starter roadchild


    Perhaps it’s not clear, I don’t care if he updates the thing every 5 minutes, the issue I have is the message that you have to configure the thing again. I apologize for using the word “enable” in my original post, though it seems most people knew what I meant.
    Wordpress automatically disables then renables the plugin when it does the auto update.
    My issue is the configuration nag at the top of the admin area. You are nagged till you go and check to enable the plugin (which wordpress already enabled) even if the update had nothing to do with the configuration.
    Perhaps the poll should really be, how often should we make you configure the software if nothing in the configuration has changed. My vote, never.

    @stormrider, thanks for letting me know the donation won’t help. You’d think he would nag the people that donated, less.

    @rsciw, I am not whining about the updates, if that’s not clear, please take the time to read again. My issue is that It nags you after EVERY SINGLE UPDATE. Also, I don’t choose to use this plugin, I have been clear, its a site I help. I would NEVER use this thing on my sites.
    > You can always go out and code your own, see how you fare.
    Oh I intend on talking to the board and seeing if they will be okay without this plugin if I write them something to accomplish the same thing. So no worries, I will make sure they, as well as I fare well without it.
    You don’t like me complaining, you could always just move along and ignore me. See how that works? The angle doesn’t fly with me, thanks.

    Edited to add
    Well it seems the author who decided to post a poll that really had nothing to do with my original question, knew what I was talking about since it was posted in his feature request section back in July.

    I should request that he nag less and use a larger font with flashing colors to make you notice his donation request, I don’t think highlighting it and adding bold is working.

    good, next time be clearer, and thinks can be replied to more precise.

    I never have used the auto-update function, I update all manually, be it via scp or svn, hence I probably never came across this activate / nagging scenario you describe.

    here you clearly complain about the update ratio incl. linking to the version history
    Yeah well maybe if there wasn’t a new update everytime I log in.
    I guess I just expect more from a “Senior WordPress Developer

    Oh I intend on talking to the board and seeing if they will be okay without this plugin if I write them something to accomplish the same thing. So no worries, I will make sure they as well as I fare well without it.

    That’s a nice/good start. You going to also release it to the public?

    Thread Starter roadchild


    Since you’ve never come across the scenario maybe you should refrain from commenting on it? Just a thought.
    I was complaining about having to configure the plugin everytime he updated, hence I linked to the version history. If there weren’t updates every day in a row sometimes, it wouldn’t be nearly as irritating. It should have been clear if you know the plugin and you read both of my comments. You clearly misunderstood me. It says ENABLE on his plugin page, hence I used enable, which confused you, but not the other people. So I clarified for your sake.

    Will I release it to the public, probably not because it would be an alteration of their theme and not a plugin. But should I write something for wordpress that I deem worthy of releasing, I would do so and I would do it without begging.

    It’s probably worth noting that the author has seen this thread and he never bothered to answer the original question
    “Is there a genuine reason we have to go in and enable this plugin everytime we update?”

    To clarify as well: I use aioseop on several WP installations, so yes, I know it, and I commented on the fact that you complain about the release ratio in post #3, which I read, next to your other posts.
    Already in my first reply I said I have not come across what you describe. Maybe you should read my comments.

    Anywho, getting OT, you go your way, I go mine.
    Enjoy ??

    I have to agree with the nagging and the constant activating… AND NOW the header errors with upgrading from within WordPress.

    While I respect one poster’s comments about doing it all manually, the function for upgrading plugins is a core part of WordPress now and I think plugin developers need to respect that and make their plugins work with it.

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/content/[path info deleted]/html/wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-seo-pack/all_in_one_seo_pack.php:4764) in /home/content/[path info deleted]/html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 865

    Trying to back out of that simply generated the same error. I finally just removed the directory on the server…

    SEO is a critical area of site development… and plenty of money IS made off the rep these guys get from their plugin… I’ve donated many a time to plugin developers but typically NOT when the item seems to want to ANNOY me more than make my workflow easier.

    So I guess I agree that this one has lost some luster, given the headaches I’m working with as I try to deal with it during the upgrade to 2.8.4 in WordPress.

    BTW, you can tell by their own poll that most only want to update the plugin when there are major security and bug fixes… or huge feature changes.

    Mostly, I just want the thing to use the core update method smoothly, without issues… or quit NAGGING. Or say right there in the NAG that “this is for security” or “this is for bug fixes” or “this is just so I can uncheck your donation option”

    It turns a simple upgrade process into a multiple hour ordeal.

    How to disable this stupid function?

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