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  • That’s great. Now, how do I add the

    if ( p75HasThumbnail($post->ID) ) {

    Variable to that?

    Never mind. I figured it out:

    <img alt="" src="<?php if ( p75HasThumbnail($post->ID) ) { echo p75GetThumbnail($post->ID, 150, 150); } ; ?>" style="float:left;margin:0 5px 0 0;" border="0" />

    This will return an image only if there is one and resizes the thumbnail to 150×150. I also took out the alt because it looked weird when there wasn’t a thumbnail having the title below the title.



    which file does this go into? timthumb or thumbnail-poster?

    YES!! Finally a simple way to add the thumb if there is one. I couldn’t get the code on their site to work with my other plugins. Thanks GlobalFlyer!

    Please, help me !!!

    On Which file i should put the code:

    <img alt=”<?php the_title(); ?>” src=”<?php echo p75GetThumbnail($post->ID, null, null); ?>” border=”0″ />

    <img alt=”” src=”<?php if ( p75HasThumbnail($post->ID) ) { echo p75GetThumbnail($post->ID, 150, 150); } ; ?>” style=”float:left;margin:0 5px 0 0;” border=”0″ />


    I’m new on wordpress =( !

    Please help. I’m having the same problem.

    I don’t know where to go/which file/how to add the lines per this instruction:

    4. Add the p75GetThumbnail(int $postID, [int $width, [int $height, [string $fileType]]]) function to your theme to get the URL of a thumbnail and p75GetOriginalImage(int $postID) to get the URL to the original image.

    Thank you.

    come on guys you come here for help but once you found the help and fixed your own problem you disappear.. not a good team spirit

    please tell us how to insert this code? my thumbs are not showing up on the Press75 Video Elements theme v. 1.5 posts!!

    The images are showing up with the ‘related videos’ but not on the home page!

    How do we fix?

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