• Resolved David G. Johnson


    It looks like in the latest version of the plugin, the possibility to redirect a page (or post, presumably, but I haven’t checked) with a 301 redirect has been removed.

    Is this correct? Or has it just been relocated to a place where I’m unable to find it? I’ve spent quite a bit of time looking for it.



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  • Please any one can tell me, why robots.txt file is not showing in wordpress backend.

    I have installed yoast update version.
    If i check the file online, then it exist, but why not showing in wordpress backend??????????????

    very disappointing and only discovered this now – so since you say old redirects remain, how do I see now what pages are redirected and how do I remove the redirect since this option is no longer in plugin settings?

    @thepresident try reading https://www.genesisclub.training/7809/301-redirect-removed-from-yoast-wordpress-seo/

    one reason htaccess is better you always know what is redirected then

    Very very bad move from Yoast.



    Oh dear. If we’re going to see features moved from free to premium and premium to free then this could be the downfall as people begin to lose trust. Consumers feel entitled, give them that otherwise a smart marketer will come along and give the consumers what they felt they were entitled to.



    As David G. Johnson put it in his earlier comment, you guys are well-respected and I do appreciate being able to use the Yoast SEO plugin for free. The Yoast SEO plugin is an extremely popular plugin and Yoast has a good reputation in the WordPress community. This reputation means that WordPress users and also developers often rely on Yoast plugins to be rock-solid.

    However, as they say, with great power comes great responsibility.

    And in software generally, and WordPress plugins and themes in particular, a key attribute that leads to “rock-solidness” is the thought given to backwards compatiblity and to unintended consequences.

    I understand the reason why this functionality was removed (I agree it is messy to manage redirects on a per-page basis), and appreciate that redirects are not “lost” (more on this further down).

    However, there are a couple of consequences of this decision which leaves me a little dissapointed.

    1. Loss of visibility

    Even though redirects are not “lost”, there are some consequences of removing the redirect edit field completely.
    — Crucially, the VISIBILTY of such a redirect has been removed as well. Sure, a redirect will happen, but, I have no way to edit the old redirect or even remove it (unless I am missing something). This is not an unsurmountable problem for a developer, but is a problem for clients who are not tech savvy.
    — It removes the ability to even see the existence of a redirect from the UI

    2. Unintended consequence

    (This issue is specific to users of the Genesis theme and possibly other plugins/themes with similar functionality)

    The Genesis theme has a field in its SEO section for setting up redirects. When the Yoast SEO plugin is installed, the native Genesis SEO section gets disabled in favor of the Yoast SEO section (by itself this makes sense). However, this also results in removal of the Genesis’ “Custom Redirect URL” field and its replacement with — nothing. Imagine a WordPress user who has setup Redirects using Genesis and who then installs Yoast SEO plugin — s/he loses the ability to edit, delete or even *see* any of the Custom Redirects s/he setup in Genesis.

    Again, I do appreciate the effort and the free availability of a high-quality plugin such as Yoast SEO. But one of the reasons I had made Yoast SEO a tool in my toolkit was my belief that it was rock-solid. And while I understand the reason for removing the feature, it could have been done with a little more care and thought for existing users.




    It seems with V2.3.2, the Yoast SEO plugin will display the Edit field if a redirect exists. Kudos on making that change.

    Thread Starter David G. Johnson


    I just noticed that I can see & edit existing redirects in the latest version. Came here to mention it, and realized that @gmangesh had already pointed it out.

    Although we can’t add new redirects via the plugin (at least not the free one), this is a good compromise.

    Props to the Yoast crew for doing this.

    For anyone struggling with this new limitation, it’s relatively easy to get it back. Just add your own custom meta box with a text input stored with the key ‘_yoast_wpseo_redirect’.


    What you’re saying makes sense to me. If the 301 redirect field is visible on posts that it already exists on, then we should be able to pull and display it, programatically, for new posts.

    Are you able to expand a bit more on creating the meta box? (the actual code)
    I’ll read up, but more info would speed up the process.


    Hmmm, I’ve not seen a developer remove existing features in order to encourage sales, but I’m sure it’s not uncommon.

    The problem: installing Yoast Premium costs my clients more than your $69 (per year) purchase fee. In addition to my 20% markup, I need to also configure it. This can take hours. Professional web designers know that smaller clients don’t want to spend another $150 on their website. Most cannot understand the worth of your wonderful SEO package. And yet, without it, they will blame me for failing to bring in visitors.

    I would not have written this post if you offered a way to donate on the free plugin. Did I miss this option? I know it’s not as much money for you, but I do take care of plugin developers to the extent I can (*personally*) afford to.

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