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  • Is this still happening for you?

    If so try clearing your browsers cache because the “Bad Links” which you posted work without any issues for me.

    Hi sveralex,

    I tested every one of the links you provided, and they all work without causing a redirect loop. If you’re still seeing redirect loops, you should try clearing the cache and cookies in your browser.

    Thread Starter sveralex


    Thank you for your efforts.
    I just used the patch I’ve found, but it requires to make changes in WP core.
    So I will be forced to apply it after each WP upgrade?!

    Index: wp-includes/query.php
    — wp-includes/query.php (revision 26965)
    +++ wp-includes/query.php (working copy)
    @@ -3923,6 +3923,10 @@

    $query = $wpdb->prepare(“SELECT post_id FROM $wpdb->postmeta, $wpdb->posts WHERE ID = post_id AND post_type = %s AND meta_key = ‘_wp_old_slug’ AND meta_value = %s”, $post_type, $wp_query->query_varsname?);

    + Prevent a simple redirect loop due to values in ‘_wp_old_slug’ not deleted
    + when in an unpublished status.
    + $query .= $wpdb->prepare(” AND post_name != %s”, $wp_query->query_varsname?);
    if year, monthnum, or day have been specified, make our query more precise
    just in case there are multiple identical _wp_old_slug values
    if ( != $wp_query->query_varsyear? )

    Hi sveralex,

    There should be no reason at all to make changes to WordPress core, and I strongly recommend that you do not apply the patch that you found. If there is any logic that you need to modify, then it should be done via a plugin instead of a patch, especially when dealing with WP_Query.

    I’m also suddenly having 301 redirect loop on a post with no changes to my site in the last few months. Most other posts I’ve tested are fine, and I’ve made no changes to this page in quite a while. I’m having the issue in multiple browsers, with cookies disabled, and with curl -L -vvv. After clearing / resetting caches, I have also tried disabling all plugins (include cache) and temporarily disabling my .htaccess files without resolution.

    I suspect there may be more posts with issues, as I had another odd problem a few weeks ago where I was unable to “preview post” for a specific post I was writing unless I appended something to the preview url (while other posts could be previewed without issue).

    My redirect post:
    That’s the “pretty” url for:

    As you can see, I use a year / month / post permalink structure and have tried resetting my permalink setting (by changing it and changing it back) without trouble.

    I checked the database, which reported no problems, and had no improvement when I repaired anyways. I manually examined the database and the post looks fine as far as I can tell.

    I changed wp-config.php to 660 reinstalled wordpress with no improvement.

    Relieved to see that I’m not the only one suddenly having an issue.

    Looks like a fix is getting added to 4.4.1:

    In the meantime, this simple patch seems to have fixed my issue:

    Looks like 4.4.1 is set for release tomorrow:

    hi guys,

    I’m having the same issue. I have the patched 4.4.1 version , but still have the same problem its happening when i go to /wp-admin/

    I’ve tried the normal things:

    deactivated all plugins
    switched to a different theme

    still the problem persists ?

    Moderator Marius L. J.



    Please create your own thread, as your problem description does not match that of the original poster here.

    It does sound more like you are experiencing the mod_security problem as mentioned in, your hosting provider should be able to help you with that if you inform them of it, if not please do make a new topic.

    thanks Marius

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