• Alejandro J. Sanchez P.


    Hi there,

    I have some sort of dilemma regarding multisite and i would like the community say and help on this matter.

    I’m planning on making a nice project and it involves a business listing of every single city in my country. the thing is that the site will have a generic homepage and after that it will be divided into cities and towns. there are more or less 8000 cities in this country and i was wondering if it would be wise to make every single city an independent site, or if wordpress would even allow it.

    i’m not going to start with 8000 cities right away (that would be madness) but that is the target so i would like to build a nice and steady infrastructure.
    i want to use wordpress because i have a lot of experience developing and using it but i have hardly ever had to use multisite for more than 10 sites in a single network.

    I know that eventually i’ll need a whole server for my project but that is out of the question right now.at first i’d start with 20 different cities, and i know wordpress and a single semi-dedicated server can handle it.

    i don’t have so much knowledge about servers and that is my main concern right now, i don’t know if making so many sites would be a nice idea because of the resources of a particular server, and well, as i said before, i would like to build a nice and steady infrastructure so i don’t know if i my approach would be the wrong one (and why).

    Hope you can lend me some of your knowledge and i thank you all in advance for it!

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  • thebigtine


    is it necessary to have a whole new site for each city?

    Thread Starter Alejandro J. Sanchez P.


    Well, maybe not.

    I just thought it’d be more organized for the backend user (me). What other approach would you recommend?



    I can see why you might want to do that, but unless you are going to need to limit backend access for some people then multisite might not be the best way. and also when you do get 800 cities onthe site that means you will have to switch dashboards every time you want to go to anther cities dashboard. and per sub site 9 out of the 11 database tables are duplicated which after 800 sites would be a rather large database.

    I would suggest a custom post type. Then you can add the fields you need for info for the city and you could create your own theme templates to display that info how you want. and on top of that editing and finding cities would be much easier in the backend. the combination of these two plugins means you dont even have to do any coding:



    Thats just my thoughts.

    Thread Starter Alejandro J. Sanchez P.


    First of all i want to thank you for the info. i’ll definitely give a look to the links you posted.

    i was already aware of the table size problem on the long run but the thing is that what i want to achieve is rather complicated for me right now since i’m not an expert programmer.

    i want every site to represent a whole city and every single article of that specific site will be about a specific business belonging to that city.

    On the homepage (a non city-specific site) you would be able to choose the city you’re interested in using a comboBox i’m building (with custom links to the “homepage” to every city). and all this could be done without multisite.

    I managed to solve the template/specific site theme problem, but my main concern are the categories: there will be a LOT of categories and they would all be mixed together

    The structure i would like to achieve would be something like this:

    —business category 1 (i.e: restaurants)
    —Business category 2 (i.e: supermarkets)

    —business category 1
    —Business Category 2

    and so on (nested categories).

    This would be fairly easy with multisite cause every site would be a single city and it would only need to have the business categories. on the other hand, if i don’t use multisite i wouldn’t be able to separates the business categories and i would end up with one business category containing several cities’s businesses and that would be a mess for the search engine inside my page (i wouldn’t know how to handle or solve it and don’t know any plugins that could let me customize the search)

    there would be a lot of duplicates while using multisite, yes, but it would be a “quick fix” to my problem.

    Could that be solved with the use of custom post types? (i’m not very informed on that feature since i haven’t used it at all :/ )

    Thanks in advance for the info!



    well I would use a custom post type just so its not called blog post, etc. you can call it whatever you want.

    that aside you would probably have to make your own taxonomy templates to filter the way you want to. I might just be better to go with multi site and as you said before, get a dedicated server later along the line. you’ll be fine for several hundred sites in my opinion. I use multi site for clients sites where they pay hosting.



    The number of sites does not affect the WP server. Server resources are more dependent on volume of traffic, the amount of data, and the types of queries.

    The one thing to consider is that one database may not be able to contain all those tables. 8k sites is about 80k tables. IMO you would need to do something “special” to handle that amount.

    Thread Starter Alejandro J. Sanchez P.


    Oh, good to know @jkhongusc . And is it posible to have say, one database for, say, 1000 sites only and every other 1000 it just creates a new database or something? I mean is there any plugin for that or should I program it myself?



    Luckily there are plugins for that… it is called database sharding


    We have a WP multisite that has about 400 sites. We have one huge mysql server and it hasnt had any problems handling that number of tables (about 4k).

    Thread Starter Alejandro J. Sanchez P.


    Cool! That’s really valuable info! Thank you very much ??

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