• Hello,

    first of all: thank you for this great addon to the CRP-plugin. It really boosts the displayed related posts. Afer a few days of testing, I have a few suggestions how to make the CRP-plugin and this addon even better.

    1) Add a weight to the ranking factors
    What is a related post? This might differ from blog to blog. Someone uses creative titles, so the content might be more important to compare. Another one has a fine system of categories or tags, so paying more attention to them might bring better related results as only content and title. It would be great to give the different ranking and relation factors (title, content, tags, category) a weight. E.g. importance of tags and categories to compare is 70%, content 20% and title only 10%.

    2) Newer posts first
    CRP is great to look for and bring up older related posts. But sometimes newer post might be more relevant than older ones. There is an option to cut of older posts completely, but it would be great, if the age of a post is also a relevance criteria.

    3) Include posts, even if they’re old
    There is the possibility to exclude special posts by id so they won’t appear in the related lists. It would be great, if there is also a list of posts, which should be included, even if they are older and would not be listed due to the entered age-limit. Maybe e.g. you don’t want post to appear in the lists, that are older than 5 years. But maybe there is a 6 year old posts, which is still great and should appear in the CRP-lists.

    What do you thing about this suggestions? I have no idea, if they are easy to implement into the CRP-plugin and this addon, but I think, they would make the plugin(s) even better.


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  • Plugin Author Ajay



    Point 1) is already on the charts for a pro addon to CRP. At least one of the options for the pro addon. It will need a bit of coding to do.

    Point 2) I’m not really sure how you’d implement this one. It might follow in from Point 1, but would likely require a more complicated algorithm and would find its way into the pro addon.

    Point 3) That sounds like a good idea. I can add this in.

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