Hi there,
1. Can I change it so you enter all the personal information and how many tickets you want – and then after that you can click on the register button?
Not without a lot of customizations to the plugin.
The current steps for registrations made with EE are:
1. Select no. tickets on ticket selector
2. EE generates a registration form based on the ticket selection and your events question settings (which is why you can’t just swap the steps)
3. Select payment method
4. Thank you page shows confirmation.
Switching 1 and 2 leaves you in a chicken and egg situation, you can’t generate the registration form within EE without knowing how many tickets and the event’s question setup but you want to generate the form and then select tickets.
2. I don’t want to send all this ticket info to people who register. They should just get a “Thank you for register” message and that’s all. But how do i do that?
You can customize all of the messages sent by EE and/or deactivate specific messages if needed.
So is it just all of the registration questions that you don’t want to send in the email?
3. Is it possible to send the registered people info to other people, or give them a weekly overview of how many people are registered without they have to log in to the admin area?
You can send each of the ‘Registration Approved’ messages to an event admin (which can be specified for each event if need be) which contains all of the information the user enters, number of tickets etc as part of core, is that what you are looking for?
A weekly overview/report would need custom development.