• Resolved mads1


    Hi guys.

    I can’t find a file to edit for my left bar! If I make a new site to my wordpress site, in admin mode, It puts the new site at the left bar, but I would like to be able to edit the code/page for the left side, so that I can add some images or counter or something.

    The right side I can edit in the file “sidebar.php” and it works fine for the right side of the website.

    NB: I’m editing my files in my theme only!

    Can anyone give me a hint about this.

    view my site here: https://www.mads1.com

    Hope to get some help!

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  • It would help if we knew what theme you are using. Doing a quick look on your site you seem to have removed all credit or mention of the original theme creator and replaced it with your own information.

    I’m sure someone with more knowledge than myself could probably tell you just by looking at the site but I can’t. So to me the easiest way to answer your question would have been to look over the theme files to see what file you needed to edit.

    Thread Starter mads1


    Thanks Pwtgirl.

    Yes I removed the infos of the creator and themename, because i wanted to redesign the whole theme editing the existing files, to make it my own way.

    No harm intended :o)

    The theme was WPAndreas09 and can be viewed hereunder.



    I have tried to open all the files in the theme, and the sidebar.php edit’s the rightside. now I just need to find out where to edit the leftside ?? … Theres no obvieous file to edit

    Almost all info removed ??
    This is from the style.css:
    Theme Name: WP-Andreas00
    Theme URI: https://www.mads1.com
    Description: A theme by Thomas Madsen © 2006.
    Version: 1.0
    Author: Thomas Madsen
    Author URI: https://www.mads1.com/
    Latest updated: December 31th, 2006

    As for editing: header.php?

    Thread Starter mads1


    ?? I’m a n00b – Ino

    Moshu — Thanks I over looked the theme name guessing that he removed everything else so thought the theme was renamed too. My bad thanks for pointing it out to me. ??

    I’m getting DNS lookup errors trying to view the themes on wp theme viewer today. If it’s not one thing it’s another with this direcway sat connection of mine..

    Anyhow from the theme author’s site:

    “The menu is located in the header.php file. It is partly hardcoded (for the first button) and the rest of the links are generated by the WordPress wp_list_pages() function.

    In an effort to make the theme easier to use, I have lifted the main menu out of the widget system. Widgets in the left sidebar will appear below the main menu, and the menu itself is not a widget. However, for those who wish to use a widget menu I have included a customized Pages widget in functions.php (commented out by default).”

    So to answer your original question, look in the header.php file.

    — Mindy

    Thread Starter mads1



    If i edit the functions.php file i need to edit this text:

    /* Alternative handling of pages widget. This is commented out since the main menu is now hardcoded into header.php, but kept here just in case someone want the old functionality.

    // WP-Andreas00 Page Navigation
    function widget_andreas00_pagenav() {
    <h2 class=”hide”>Site menu:</h2>
    <ul class=”page”>
    <?php if (is_page()) { $highlight = “page_item”; } else {$highlight = “page_item current_page_item”; } ?>
    <li class=”<?php echo $highlight; ?>”>“>Home
    <?php wp_list_pages(‘sort_column=menu_order&depth=&title_li=’); ?>

    if ( function_exists(‘register_sidebar_widget’) )
    register_sidebar_widget(__(‘Pages’), ‘widget_andreas00_pagenav’);


    // WP-Andreas00 Search
    function widget_andreas00_search() {
    <?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/searchform.php’); ?>
    if ( function_exists(‘register_sidebar_widget’) )
    register_sidebar_widget(__(‘Search’), ‘widget_andreas00_search’);

    // WP-Andreas01 Links
    function widget_andreas00_links() {
    <ul class=”menulist”>
    <?php get_links_list(); ?>

    if ( function_exists(‘register_sidebar_widget’) )
    register_sidebar_widget(__(‘Links’), ‘widget_andreas00_links’);

    I do not get the widget thing! What is that?

    Should I just give up? or is it easy to do?

    Delete this // in the functions.php.

    Thread Starter mads1


    hmm I did that and it still seems to work.

    Then into which file do I put the things I want to add. Should i make a new page for the leftbar?

    The rightside menu I still edit in sidebar.php

    Thank you all for your help so far.

    Thread Starter mads1


    Example: I would like to put in a picture of myself (passport size) underneath my pages to the left (left menu)

    The pages are created in the admin part, and I cannot find anywhere, in any files, where these pagenames are posted.

    1. I’ve edited the functions.php file like told to above. I have NOT edited in the header.php. Would that be the place to start?

    2. As I understand it I have “activated” a widget menu for the left menu bar. What is this widget thing? Is it a file I need to make or is it some file or plugin i need to download?

    Any suggestions are welcome! Thanx in advance.

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