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  • bthom62


    I am trying to use Trident for the three column look.

    I loaded it into my themes as required, but my old look keeps showing up.

    What should I do



    Did you login as an admin and change the theme by click on “Presentation”?



    yes I did

    The active theme is Trident.

    I did this right after I updated to Word Press 1.5.



    Well I’ll go out on a limb and risk insulting your intelligence by asking if you dumped your browser cache before hitting the site after changing the template. This tripped me up a couple of times!




    I think the theme is in complete because is have only one file.

    The theme has 8 files.



    I am completely new to this stuff.

    I do HTML websites, with a bit of java and perl. I do not understand this new lang.
    Having said that On word 1.2 I was ablr to put ads on the site. When I went to 1.5 they disappeared and i can not figure out how I did that in the first place.

    Then, in preperation of me figuring it out I set up the theme Trident. the entire file of tident is in the themes folder.

    I have FTP the folder to my site 4 times. It shows its there, then when I take my eyes off t it dissappears.

    This could explain a lot…I think….I’m not sure…



    I know the theme has eight files, but I can not ftp it to the site. It shows it is transferring there, but it dissappears the moment it gets there.

    This might be the reason I can not see it.

    As I said before. I do websites on macs and know how to transer files. This is the first time in years that I watched files dissappear from my site



    I have just downloaded the compressed file and unzip with Winrar. All I see is one file. May be someone can point me to where I can get a complete files.






    I am new to Word Press and just moved from the Movabletype. Does anyone where to find “cool” skin/templates for WP? Thank you.

    SORRY guys, newbies always tend be noisy by posting to many questions!

    Your help is greatly appreciated.




    Downloaded Trident, unzipped (Winzip) = 1 file ??


    go to

    Download tar.gz
    Extract to .tar
    Extract again:



    Podz, that’s another one:

    a€?Devenir En grisa€? is a three columns theme that was originally designed to be a WordPress port of Aureliea€?s Typepad design. I gradually modified it until now. It is also the first theme I designed in order to release it.

    Trident by Root is here: and it is 1 (one) file!

    Theme Name: Trident
    Theme URI:
    Description: A basic three columns theme
    Author: Root, WP 1.5 port by Frederic de Villamil
    Author URI:
    Version: 1.5

    8 files – honest !



    haha yea, it’s 8 files, i just checked the link that moshu posted.

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