So how is information about which user has 2FA active stored? I have activated it manually for several users. Information about this is not stored in the database?
I apologize for everything in the screenshots being in Polish. I don’t know if we understand each other correctly. 2FA is not active for every user of the site. If I want a user to have 2FA, I activate it from their account.
I’m talking about this feature specifically:
If I want to activate 2FA for someone, I go to my WordPress profile and activate the feature.
I would like to automate the process so that users can have 2FA enabled automatically if they meet certain conditions (e.g. they have access to sensitive data), or if they have activated this feature on other platforms (the data they use to log in to the website is also used to log in to the game server, etc.). I would like to integrate this, but I don’t know how the data is stored in the database.
My apologies for the confusion, it looks like this was a new addition which I wasn’t aware of.
So to confirm, yes it’s indeed possible to set 2FA for individual emails.
As for what you wish to achieve, I’ve talked about it with our developer team and it looks like something like this can be done. In wp_usermeta add meta_key “_hmwp_email_address” for the user ID email.