Yes, I can receive all messages, including paypal emails, to the email account I use as a customer. The problem is eShop plugin is not sending any email to the customer or seller. The latest test I’ve made are as a failed order in the eshop control panel. Also, I receive this email in my hosting company:
Default “From” address for scripts sending e-mails
The hosting system provides new feature for beginners that allows them to create simple scripts for sending e-mails (i.e. for contact forms, etc.) without including the required From headers. Currently the system is requiring that all scripts should pass a From header with valid e-mail address that exists in the hosting account, as to authenticate the sender and avoid outgoing e-mails with fake From addresses (SPAM).
The new feature is available in the E-mail Accounts section and allows you to choose one default e-mail account to be used in the From headers of all e-mails that are sent via scripts in your hosting account (for example: PHP scripts using the mail() function). You can change the default e-mail from the E-mail Accounts section if you need to, or set From header in your script and thus customize your scripts to use custom e-mail addresses.
All users who set From headers in their scripts will not be affected by this new feature, as it is applied only if no From e-mail address is provided upon sending.
Additionally, there is a option to include Reply-To header for scripts that send e-mails without From header. The system will take the sender’s e-mail and set it as Reply-To header and then replace the sender with your defailt e-mail account. Thus, simple scripts that do not include information about the sender will be advanced by giving you the opportunity to reply to the sender that was initially set upon sending. If you specify custom Reply-To headers in your script this feature will be ignored and will not overwrite existing headers.
Best Regards, Team
I really need to resolve this, but I must confesed I’ve no idea what the problem is.
Thanks again.