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  • Sorry i don’t quite understand the question, can refine the question?

    Thread Starter maestro2012


    I don’t have info about new updates for plugins (red icon with number plugins to update in admin panel). Info about available newest updates not showing up. This problem is on my localhost server. On commercial server it is ok.

    So far it has not been a problem which probably appeared after the upgrade to wordpress 2.8.1

    Sorry for my english ??

    Sorry you’ll need to be a bit more specific, let me see if i understand what you mean anyway…

    You can see the red circle next to “Plugins” ( 1 ) would be an example…

    However you’re saying that once you click that you don’t see any information about the new versions? Is that correct?

    Thread Starter maestro2012


    I can’t see the red circle (next to “Plugins”( 1 )) and any information about new wersion of plugins. I don’t have any information, about new updates for plugins.

    Thread Starter maestro2012


    Just I don’t have notification about updates plugins.

    So how do you know your plugins need updates then?

    Could it not just be they are upto date?

    Thread Starter maestro2012


    I have wordpress on commercial server and copy on localhost. On external server I have info about new updates for plugins, but on localhost no.

    What’s different between the 2 other then the server?

    I assume you’re using the same database? eg. a copy of the live site.

    Only thing i can suggest is comparing the two…

    Can you check the error log on the localhost… you could be un-intentionally blocking the cron task that checks for updates etc…

    Is this only plugins or WordPress itself to that doesn’t notify of updates?

    Have a peak at the options table (wp_options – default name) in both databases and compare anything starting with _transient

    I have a similar issue, except my localhost WP2.8 shows available updates immediately, and my live-site WP2.7.1 seems to lag a few days.

    It appears to eventually offer me the notification of the automatic updates, but it’s late, and it doesn’t always show me all available updates.

    I haven’t come up with a solution or even determined what the problem is. And I’m not currently in a position to remove my 60-ish plugins one by one to test it, so I’ve been just dealing with it.


    Going to do some of the things you suggested since I’ve got a similar issue. I’m not using a copy of the database. Fresh database on my localhost, WP2.8, with a basic copy/paste of my entire live-site’s plugins folder to my localhost.

    I can literally see an automatic update notification pop up on my localhost, then check the live site and have nothing. Three days later it magically appears, or it sometimes appears after I update a different plugin and refresh the plugins page.

    Strange stuff.

    (Maestro2012, let us know how you fare trying to fix this.)

    I don’t actually have this issue either locally or live, both seem to notify on the same day (i think).

    I know the transient entries store information about plugins and updates because i went fiddling in there when phantom plugins or incorrect names were showing up during testing plugin code on the local install.

    You can grab info on these entries using get_option() since it queries the options table… (quick easy way)..

    Value will be an array or an object (usually an object), print it out, see what’s going on.

    Example of query to options to table to grab some data…

    <?php $a = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT option_name, option_value FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_name LIKE '%plugin%'");?>
    <?php foreach ($a as $c) { ?>
    		<?php echo $c->option_name;?>
    		<?php if(strlen($c->option_value) == 10) { ?>
    			<p><?php echo date("m/d/y h:i",$c->option_value); ?></p>
    		<?php } else { ?>
    			<p><?php echo $c->option_value;?></p><?php } ?>
    <?php } ?>

    Might be helpful if you prefer just dropping code in your theme…

    I would like to know as well

    Thread Starter maestro2012


    I tested a bit. And here is the observation.
    This is not a problem of delays in the update.
    It seems to me that it was a conflict of plugins.
    When you turn off all plugins, there is information on the available updates.
    How do I verify that the plug does the problem. On the external server, such problems can not I just localhost.
    I tried to disable plugins one by one but it is not produced.

    My plugins:
    All in One SEO Pack
    Contact Form 7
    Customize Your Community
    Google Analyticator
    Google XML Sitemaps
    Wordpress Download Monitor
    WP Security Scan
    WP Super Cache

    t31os_ this is the result of a query.

    # uninstall_plugins
    a:2:{i:0;b:0;s:43:"breadcrumb-navxt/breadcrumb_navxt_admin.php";a:2:{i:0;O:9:"bcn_admin":3:{s:18:"?bcn_admin?version";s:5:"3.1.0";s:27:"?bcn_admin?breadcrumb_trail";O:20:"bcn_breadcrumb_trail":3:{s:7:"version";s:5:"3.1.0";s:5:"trail";a:0:{}s:3:"opt";a:47:{s:12:"home_display";b:1;s:10:"home_title";s:4:"Blog";s:11:"home_anchor";s:40:"";s:11:"blog_anchor";s:40:"";s:11:"home_prefix";s:0:"";s:11:"home_suffix";s:0:"";s:9:"separator";s:16:" > ";s:16:"max_title_length";i:0;s:19:"current_item_linked";b:0;s:19:"current_item_anchor";s:50:"";s:19:"current_item_prefix";s:0:"";s:19:"current_item_suffix";s:0:"";s:11:"page_prefix";s:0:"";s:11:"page_suffix";s:0:"";s:11:"page_anchor";s:40:"";s:12:"paged_prefix";s:0:"";s:12:"paged_suffix";s:0:"";s:13:"paged_display";b:0;s:11:"post_prefix";s:0:"";s:11:"post_suffix";s:0:"";s:11:"post_anchor";s:40:"";s:21:"post_taxonomy_display";b:1;s:18:"post_taxonomy_type";s:8:"category";s:17:"attachment_prefix";s:0:"";s:17:"attachment_suffix";s:0:"";s:10:"404_prefix";s:0:"";s:10:"404_suffix";s:0:"";s:9:"404_title";s:3:"404";s:13:"search_prefix";s:24:"Search results for '";s:13:"search_suffix";s:5:"'";s:13:"search_anchor";s:77:"";s:10:"tag_prefix";s:0:"";s:10:"tag_suffix";s:0:"";s:10:"tag_anchor";s:57:"";s:13:"author_prefix";s:13:"Articles by: ";s:13:"author_suffix";s:0:"";s:14:"author_display";s:12:"display_name";s:15:"category_prefix";s:0:"";s:15:"category_suffix";s:0:"";s:15:"category_anchor";s:62:"";s:23:"archive_category_prefix";s:25:"Archive by category '";s:23:"archive_category_suffix";s:5:"'";s:18:"archive_tag_prefix";s:20:"Archive by tag '";s:18:"archive_tag_suffix";s:5:"'";s:11:"date_anchor";s:53:"";s:19:"archive_date_prefix";s:0:"";s:19:"archive_date_suffix";s:0:"";}}s:12:"wp_filter_id";i:0;}i:1;s:9:"uninstall";}}
    # _transient_timeout_plugin_slugs
    08/09/09 08:55
    # _transient_plugin_slugs
    # _transient_update_plugins


    If “impatient” to get one system tio check for updates when you know they exist, but are not showing on other system – try amr-impatient – v.simple utility plugin

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