This isn’t going to be very easy I’m afraid. Kubrick, the design in your mockup, is a fixed width 2 column design. That means if you want to add another column you either need to shrink the main content and existing sidebar or widen the whole page. Keep in mind that the images are also fixed width. If you widen the page the images will no longer work.
It’s not to say this is impossible but turning Kubrick into a 3 column design is going to take some real effort.
If you’re set on a 3 column design then I’d find a template that already has 3 columns. It’s much easier to change colors and images then to grapple with 2 vs 3 column positioning.
Check They’ve got a good list there and links to external sites. Find a theme with a layout similar to your mockup and you’ll have a much easier time.