• ditchtech


    Hi, when i create a post, and than try to update with with
    a link/image or any html code, I end up getting an error on trying to publish/preview. Is there a size limit to the database?

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  • t31os


    The database table/row uses “longtext” (at least in 2.7.1 on my install), which supports upto at least a few trillion characters…

    Not sure if there are any WP functions that check the post length, but it’s certainly not a restriction with the database table..

    Thread Starter ditchtech


    Thanks tr1os.
    Character count is about 600. Further the page not found error,
    only appears when i try a link/image insert towards end of my post.
    Are there chances of escape sequence creeping in and spoiling the update?
    anyone else got the same problem?



    You’re welcome fitchtech … ?? ….

    Can you link or insert images ok in new posts?

    I’m having this same problem

    I create rather lengthy tutorials and then go back into the tutorials and add screenshots etc to demonstrate each step

    Whenever I get near the end, and add an image, then try to save as draft or publish, the page refreshes (as it is saving), but after the refresh the entire post text area is blank…my entire post and pictures are all gone…

    this is very frustrating…

    I can’t find any solutions to this issue, however I don’t have this issue using b2revolution, so rather than struggle with WordPress, I’ve just been using b2revolution instead

    but would hope that the WordPress folks would fix this to allow me and others to use their product


    What theperryfamily describes — this is also happening to me! I have the latest version of WP, 2.8.1. On a long post, when saving, the post disappears entirely. I can’t make it stay and I can’t get it to post. I have checked all over for answers to this and no one seems to know why this would happen! (This has never happened to me before, only with this version of WP.) I guess I will try to split the post up into two posts, but that will really mess things up for me. I hope this problem disappears with the next version, but if not, is there any fix for it now?

    P.S. this is not an image problem for me, simply text.

    I’m having the same issue. I can’t be sure it’s tied to 2.8.1 because I hadn’t tried a post this long under previous versions.

    I have the same exact issue with a huge glossary post, but I figured out a workaround:

    Using phpmyadmin to edit the post_content field under the wp_posts entry for your post you can paste in your html and it updates the blog entry without using wordpress. This works, which says three things: the issue is not a mysql, php, or server configuration problem– it’s wordpress.

    It’s mostly simple if you have phpmyadmin, know how to use it, and don’t ever need to conveniently update your post.

    I have the same issue with Version 2.8. When I want to edit a long page (more than 3000 words), the textbox for the content will not appear.

    Thank you for the tip with phpmyadmin. It works, but it also means that you have to edit the page with phpmyadmin. In this particular case editing is envisaged (it is not a blog post, but a page). This, of course, is only possible if you, as an editor, have access to the database with phpmyadmin. In my case that is no problem, but in an environment, where editors should access the blog only through wordpress, this will be a problem.

    Would be nice, if somebody could sort this out.

    I’m having exactly the same difficulty with the length of page. Has there been any solution to this yet?

    Using phpmyadmin to edit the post_content field under the wp_posts entry for your post you can paste in your html and it updates the blog entry without using wordpress. This works, which says three things: the issue is not a mysql, php, or server configuration problem– it’s wordpress.

    Actually this only suggests that the problem isn’t with mysql, it doesn’t tell us it’s not a problem with either of the others..

    I’ll make some long posts on my local install tomorrow and see if i can replicate the problem…

    In the mean time please ensure you’ve all done the usual process for isolating problems (sure you’ve read these kind of replies before)..

    Disable plugins, test page.
    Switch to default theme, test page.
    Switch to default permalinks (worth a shot), test page.
    Try another browser.
    Try another PC.

    Doesn’t matter how unlikely any of the above are, they only take 5 minutes to test..

    Nice to see that i′m not the only one with the problem ??

    I just noticed that on WP 2.8.4 a post was published (before the “read more” cut), and I can see it on the front page. But going to the single view of the post… no content was shown. As it had a lot of text and some images, I decided to re post it by blocks to see at which point it failed.

    Then when I was almost done I noticed it failed. Then if I removed one single paragraph (plain text, nothing fancy) the post appears complete. If I added any paragraph..it failed. This happens at 55,000 characters with spaces (had to use word to check it).

    Anyone knows how to open a ticket for this?

    Bump! I’m having the same problem, and it just started recently.

    I never did get to testing this (soz), i’ll go give this a go now..

    55000 is the target then… i’ll see what happens.

    Done a few post tests just to see if i’d hit a wall with high word counts.. Here’s the results.

    Single post: (no more / no pages)

    Word count: 80010 – success
    Word count: 160021 – success

    Single post: with <!--more--> (no pages)

    Word count (before “more”): 81886
    Word count (after “more”): 78136
    Total: 160022 – success

    Single post: with <!--nextpage--> (no more)

    Word count: 10000 per page (14 pages total)
    Total: 140000 – success

    I each previewed post as i made the changes, then saved, and checked the page again. Each time the page loaded and showed the content as expected.

    I have the same problem. ??

    It is about wpautop. When I disable WordPress’ auto formatting then the content is shown again. (I use text-control plugin for it)

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