Has the issue of getting next/previous posts within the category of the post been solved? The “within category” feature doesn’t seem to work…yet…on the template tags.
I gave Meyer’s next/previous tags a whirl and they work ~~okay~~. I had to fix the code to force it to work.
<?php mw_previous_post('%', '', 'The previous article is ', '.', 'yes', 'yes') ?>
<?php mw_next_post('%', '', ' The next article is ', '.', 'yes', 'yes') ?>
From Meyer’s next/previous plugin returns:
“The previous article is Previous Article Title. The next article is Next Article Title. “
The problem is that I can’t get it to do posts from within the same category. It still follows chronological from any category. Not what I want.
From Scriptgodess next/previous posts in same category I was able to create a similar effect, but the plugin grabs every category that post is in and gives you the next and previous from each category. So if I have one post that is in three categories, along with three other “similar” articles, I get three lists of previous articles, all the same title, and three lists of next articles, all the same title. Not good.
So the Scriptgoddess code does what I want, but I would have to keep every post in ONE category. Since I have a lot of subcategories, this makes it complicated because if I have a Parent Category 1, with the post in Sub-Category 3, I still get a listing for the next and previous in Parent Category 1 and two each for Sub-Category 3. For links to the same two articles I do not need.
Has anyone found anything better for keeping the next/previous postings WITHIN the same category?