• I recently downloaded the security fixes from here:



    I uploaded these to my blog with an FTP client… and the WordPress admin dashboard promptly stopped working.

    In sheer desperation I replaced the files with the original 2.5 files… nothing seems to help. The blog itself seems to operate fine, but I can’t access any of the WordPress administration settings.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    I recently started the blog from scratch… and, honestly, if I have to do that again, I may cry. lol

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  • Michael Torbert


    WordPress Virtuoso

    Have you tried going to domain.com/wp-admin/upgrade.php?

    Thread Starter johnlacey


    Sadly that brings up the same blank screen as just going to /wp-admin/

    To be honest I really think I’m just going to delete it all and start again. (For the third time. lol.) But eh… I’ll have the installation procedure down to a fine art.

    Thanks for the suggestion though hallsofmontezuma.

    I had problems just adding the 3 security files. Works after I installed 2.5.1.

    Michael Torbert


    WordPress Virtuoso

    You never need to start a new blog from scratch. None of this has anything to do with your posts, pages, etc…
    Try installing the latest version (usually when people have issues upgrading they’re doing something wrong, regardless of what they say).
    As a last resort, you can always do a clean installation and import your data. (We’re assuming you backed up like you’re supposed to.)

    Thread Starter johnlacey


    Well I didn’t back up… lol. But I copied all the new 2.5.1 files over on a whim, and it worked. *celebrates*

    *backs up*

    THANK YOU SO MUCH hallsofmontezuma.

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