• ok i have chmod’d my directories and blah blah. anytime i try and upload an image from my computer to insert in a post i get this error.

    “http error”

    and then it says in the image uploader “An error occurred in the upload. Please try again later.”

    i am lost as to why this is happening. i have been using wordpress since the early days of 1 and i have never had this problem. it is also a fresh install of 2.5.

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  • Try disabling bad behavior if you are running it. If you look at the upload POST it’s reporting that “Shockwave Flash” is the useragent.

    I think this is triggering bad behavior. When I turn off bad behavior it works.

    Nothing else here worked. I don’t think I even have mod_sec.

    Yes, I even see the blocked entries in the bad behavior DB… nice.

    “Shockwave Flash”, // spam harvester

    That is in /wp-content/plugins/bad-behavior/bad-behavior/blacklist.inc.php

    Removing it correct the bad-behavior issue, although a fix from them would probably be best! Or a fix to WP, so it sends a decent UA.


    I upgraded to 2.5 and my image uploaded is broken as many have described. I have tried all the .htaccess solutions here to no avail. I have one .htaccess file in the root directory of my entire website, of which there is a /blog directory wherein resides all my WP files. Thus my dirctory structure is https://www.tomrichmond.com/blog/<all wordpress files>. Adding any of the many .htaccess codes listed above make the blog inaccessable with a 500 Internal Server Error error (Apache/1.3.41 Server at https://www.tomrichmond.com Port 80). No fixes seem to work. My images upload to wp-content/images.

    I have every limited programming knowlegde and stuff like chmod, 770 and making sure my directories are “writable” I do not understand.

    My blog is almost unusable without the ability to upload images internally. I can “get around” that using FTP and URL image placement, but what a huge disappointment. Is there a link to a detailed explanation of steps to fix this problem for idiots like myself?

    You running bad behavior plugin? If not try setting the path in settings->misc to the full path.

    Other than that, open a ticket with WP or something. sorry.

    Nope, no “Bad Behavior”. I also deactivated all my plug-ins and tried to no avail. I also tried the full path thing, but perhaps I did it wrong. Should I then erase the entry above? I entered fullpath with https://www.etc but still no love. Busted.

    Can you open a support ticket when you self host your WP blog?

    You can put in a bug report. You may want to check your error logs, or have your host do it.

    There seems to be a variety of problems. The full path is the path /home/blah/blog/ whatever your path might be.

    This just keeps getting more bizarre. I’ve found that I can upload video files (avi, mgep and wmv so far), but anything else gives me the “An error occurred in the upload. Please try again later.” message. This goes for images files (gif, jpg), pdf, and mp3 (I did get one mp3 to upload, but that was through the “add video” button.

    Where is your htacces file placed?
    is it in your wordpress root folder, or in the website root?
    After upgrade (and probably before) I had no htacces file so I created one. But I’m not sure if it’s in the right folder/root

    Where is your htacces file placed?
    is it in your wordpress root folder, or in the website root?

    The website root. If I place it in the WP root (/blog) I get the 500 error message.

    Thanks art4mad

    I’ll try it, let see what it does.

    hmm fixed… i wonder how many people made the same mistake (as me):

    I always replace all the folders except the wp-config. In fact, I always delete all the files first, then upload the fresh ones just to be sure there is no overwriting problems. Glad to hear that fixed you issues but I am still unable to upload images. Obviously there are many issues producing a similar eror here.

    Hello, today I uppdated my WP Blog to version 2.5, and I have same problem to upload a image. When I upload a image file, show me a http error… I tried to change .htaccess file, and its OK, files was uploaded, but when i insert into post, dont show me my uploaded image, because have another problem, all images have a bug on path to file, my upload dir is https://www.my-site.com/wp-content/uploads/ but when I insert into post the path write on post to image is https://www.my-site.com/wp-admin/wp-content/uploads/. I dont know what’s happend.

    I tried to use on htaccess file:
    SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI ^/wp-admin/async-upload.php$ MODSEC_ENABLE=Off

    <IfModule mod_security.c>
    SecFilterEngine Off
    SecFilterScanPOST Off


    <IfModule mod_security.c>
    <Files async-upload.php>
    SecFilterEngine Off
    SecFilterScanPOST Off

    But no ones works fine. Somebody can help me !??

    I tried all of the solutions in this thread in the order they were posted. Nothing worked until I came to tagged’s post suggesting bad behavior might be the problem. Sure enough, disabling the BB plugin solved the upload problem with no changes to htaccess required.

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