I hope you have a recent clean backup. If you do, you may want to restore it.
If not: rename your current WordPress directory. Everything in that directory is suspect.
You are running 2.5.1 so start with re-uploading the entire 2.5.1 files to a new directory. Extract that to the same name as the old directory.
Now create a new wp-config.php. Make sure you put in the correct values for your database, db userid, etc. Look at your old copy but do not copy that file.
Login via https://www.bubblyvene.com/wp-login.php
If you can log in, check that there are no new users added. You will need to get clean copies of your plugins and themes from their sources. Any images and files that you uploaded to you old WordPress directory will need to be copied over. DO NOT COPY ANY PLUGINS, THEMES, PHP, OR HTML FILES. Those files are suspect.
You will also need to examine the logs and figure out how the attacker was able to write files to your blog. If you do not close that door, then he’ll be back.
Boiler plate response below.
Read this
And then read it again.
Read this too
Upgrade to the latest version if you have not already. You need to see if there are any users added to WordPress that you don’t know about/don’t belong there.
You need to go through your files and find where the spammy links are being added. If it’s in wp-config.php or some other file, you’ll need to make sure that is cleaned up before you can consider yourself good file wise. Look everywhere and use fresh copies of your WordPress installation, plugins, and themes.
Look at your posts and comments and see if there are any spammy links there. You can export your whole blog to WXR and then examine the whole thing in your favorite text editor.
Once you have cleaned up your hacked blog, harden it so this does not happen again.
Good luck.