• Just upgraded to 2.3.1, and got errors all over the place.

    ns our destroyed. function wp_ob_end_flush_all() { while ( @ob_end_flush() ); } ?> post_status', '_transition_post_status', 5, 3); add_action('comment_form', 'wp_comment_form_unfiltered_html_nonce'); // Redirect Old Slugs add_action('template_redirect', 'wp_old_slug_redirect'); add_action('edit_post', 'wp_check_for_changed_slugs'); add_action('edit_form_advanced', 'wp_remember_old_slug'); ?> p_pre_kses_less_than_callback', $text); } function wp_pre_kses_less_than_callback( $matches ) { if ( false === strpos($matches[0], '>') ) return wp_specialchars($matches[0]); return $matches[0]; } ?> $file ) ? 'rtl' : "$file-rtl"; echo apply_filters( 'wp_admin_css', "\n", $rtl ); } } ?> mplate, true); clean_page_cache($post_id); global $wp_rewrite; $wp_rewrite->flush_rules(); } else { clean_post_cache($post_id); } } ?>> nction wp_prototype_before_jquery( $js_array ) { if ( false === $jquery = array_search( 'jquery', $js_array ) ) return $js_array; if ( false === $prototype = array_search( 'prototype', $js_array ) ) return $js_array; if ( $prototype < $jquery ) return $js_array; unset($js_array[$prototype]); array_splice( $js_array, $jquery, 0, 'prototype' ); return $js_array; } add_filter( 'print_scripts_array', 'wp_prototype_before_jquery' ); ?> ('hash_hmac') ) { return hash_hmac('md5', $data, $salt); } else { return md5($data . $salt); } } endif; ?>

    Sorry for the long code, but I can’t decipher that at all. Something about hash, and some other stuff.

    I’ve gone to upgrade.php, got the same message and then WordPress told me everything was good to go.

    Any ideas?

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  • I just compared “broken codes” posted by me and MitchellB. They seem to be from the same part of the engine. MitchellB’s code is longer, though. There must be something conflicting with something in certain set-up. ??

    This hit me, too. I get the same message all over my site (also on the admin pages). When I upgraded, I got the same text as Mitchell in the OP.

    I’ve downgraded to 2.3 by overwriting all the 2.3.1 files, and the ugly code has gone away. I’ll stick with 2.3 for a bit yet, I think.

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