Okay, I did a more thorough test today on all my blogs.
I have six blogs. I have two accounts with Blue Host and host three of the blogs on one and three on the other.
Two blogs were upgraded yesterday, one from each account, to WP 2.3.1 from 2.2.1. I made sure all the plug ins were deactivated, first, and then used Fantastico, as I always have.
Since upgrading the two to this latest version, only those two blogs are not sending email.
If a new user registers, they are listed in my list of users, but I do not receive a new user notification and they do not receive their user name and password notification. If they attempt to retrieve their password, they get a blank screen with this message:
The e-mail could not be sent.
Possible reason: your host may have disabled the mail() function…
I tested my other wp blogs and they are fine, so I don’t think it’s my host. I won’t be upgrading those at this time. I will probably downgrade my two problem blogs – though I hate to do that. Would love to be able to fix this.
I’m curious if anyone else is having this problem…or if you are but just don’t know it, because unless someone tells you or you’re just not checking to see if there’s a new name in your user list, you may not even realize your email isn’t working with 2.3.1.
You might want to do a test and see if you can retrieve a new password or sign up as a new user with a new email address and see if you get notification and user/password information.
Thanks for any feedback.