• I did download the eshop.po file and have started to translate some data into French. One question:

    It would be nice if you would add a simple option to have the currency symbol appear before or after the amount. The € symbol usually appears after the amount.

    Also, I’m a little concerned about the .po file as it stands today, as it doesn’t seem to be optimized. There are many duplicates (“Download all files”, “Download All Files”), and a few meaningless entries that make it hard for translators to know the context (entries like “F”, or “A”), while others don’t include the string parameter or break up sentences (“Order placed on” should really be “Order placed on %s”, which would allow translators to place the date in its natural location in all target languages). Will the .po file be refactored at some stage?

    [In case anyone wonders, the location for the .mo file should be, for example, plugins/eshop/eshop-fr_FR.mo]

    Thanks for a great plugin!

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  • Anonymous User


    I am aware of the currency symbol issue, so I’ll have a think of how best to implement it – but thanks for prodding me about it. It was missing from my todo list!

    When I started the plugin I wasn’t aware of some of the techniques to create the sentences – I am know but will have to go through every script to tidy things up. It will be done, but may take some time to do.

    I thought I’d removed all the single characters (shipping classes) though, so thanks for letting me know I missed some! If I add them back in I’ll make sure I add a note as to the context.

    Anonymous User


    I’ve just done a small update and added the ability to translate how the currency is displayed. New po file uploaded to Quirm.



    Hi! I’ve translated the .po file to spanish, I’ve uploaded to plugins/eshop/eshop-sp_SP.mo as spiff06 suggested but know I don’t know where to go to activate the Spanish language option.

    Elfin, can you help me??



    Anonymous User


    erm… I have no idea on how to ‘activate’ them at all. I assumed WordPress utilises them if you have set up the blog in the same language.



    Ups! Thanks for your response! Yes is in spanish but after the upload of the file nothing happens so I think some step is missing… there isn’t any information about it!!!



    for e-commerce there is a folder with languages but the plugin has so many bugs!!! eShop seems to work ok but it is difficult to enable for other languages, it would be nice to simplify that!!!



    I have solved!!!!!!!!!!! the archive was named with SP and the correct name is ES for spanish!!!!

    This is the correct path and name for the .mo file in spanish:

    for the newbies like me that want to translate eShop this are the steps to simplify the work:

    – download eShop.po from here
    – download poEdit from here
    – translate the file to your language
    – save as .mo file example: eshop-es_ES.mo if spanish
    – upload to plugins/eshop/eshop-es_ES.mo directory
    – reload page!!!

    ; )

    Hi everyone,

    Monix, would you help me with the es_ES.mo eshop file by making it available for other users?
    I tried translating with poedit but was not successful and spent long hours doing it for nothing.

    Can you send me the es_ES.mo file? I would appreciate it.
    my email is [email protected].

    I have found other people making the translation file in other lanaguages availabable for download.


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