• My blog is at https://www.art-patrol.com. I am running an old version of WordPress. Everything was working normally until this morning, and now all pages appear blank. What changed? I don’t know whether an upgrade will fix it, and I have never done one. Is there some reason my old version of WordPress should not work any more? It has always worked, and my philosophy is, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Well, now it’s broken, and I am clueless. Any thoughts?

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  • Wow! I’m new to WP but I’m guessing that didn’t happen by itself. Did you check the files on you server to see if they have been modified? Maybe you got hacked.. Do you have a backup? If your files are intact, make sure your domain is still pointing at the correct root folder. Maybe contact your hosting provider. Let us know what you find.

    Nobody will reply to my support request, so I thought I would try to help someone else ??

    Thread Starter artpatrol


    Thanks for your reply. I spoke with my host, and it looks fine at their end. I can still login to the dashboard and all my archives and settings seem to be intact. I tried changing to the default theme and then changing back, but that didn’t help. It seems like lots of other folks are having similar troubles today, though most are running the latest version. I don’t want to do anything drastic and make things worse if there is a simple fix.

    artpatrol, you sound like you’re in the same boat as I am. I’m afraid I’ll make things worse by playing around with my files, yet I’ve done a little of that anyway. I’ve emailed my host. We’ll see what happens.

    Add me to the list, too! :o(

    Thread Starter artpatrol


    Perhaps a moderator (or someone who has a clue) might be able to shed some light on this seemingly widespread issue?

    Yes, please do! I’m having a sale on my company website and had all the details posted on the blog, so I’m starting to get stressy.

    Could be the same as:

    Check your wp-blog-header.php. If it starts with:
    /* r_start */

    you have the same problem.

    Any ideas how to fix this yet?

    I’m having the same problem. Just this morning.

    Internal pages still exist on the server and I can get to the dashboard, but when I try to write a post, I can put the subject in, but I can’t click in the text box to add text.

    Friend of mine says “black hat SEO f***er” after seeing the wp-blog-header.php file.

    Right now the only thing you can do is a fresh install, at least that’s what people are suggesting.

    To do a fresh install:
    Clear everything from your WordPress directory and reinstall everything. Personally I suggest not to clear out your plugins and themes directory.

    The one problem you might encounter is the fact you can’t delete/overwrite your wp-blog-header.php. The rights have been changed, you need to set the rights back to 755.

    What will I lose if I reinstall everything?

    My database is somewhere else on my hosting company’s server, right? I’m trying to figure out how to do that.

    I remember chmod 755 but I haven’t done that in a long while and have no idea how to go about it.

    Thanks, though. I was due for an upgrade anyway and was just loathe to do it.

    Thread Starter artpatrol


    Can I just replace the header file on the server with the one I started with?

    I don’t believe this attack comprised the Database.
    My mistake the rights has to be 644
    If you have shell access go to the directory with wp-blog-header.php and just type chmod 644 wp-blog-header.php
    If you don’t have shell access you can sometimes do it through ftp
    The rights need to be:
    Owner: Read, Write
    Group: Read
    Public: read

    Now you can delete the file

    It’s recommended to an entire reinstall. It’s unknown which other files are compromised.

    I’m trying to create a /blog2/ directory for now and put the new files in there.

    I probably have shell access, but I have long since forgotten how to do that. Telnet? Sorry to be a nudge.

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