• Resolved sumit1988


    Hi guys

    Following Problem:

    The Images in my NextGen Gallery are loading very slowly. I activated the resize option. It should change the resolution of the Images to 800x600px. But all images i uploaded are still
    in the default size (~ 3000×2100).
    Question 1. Why is my Gallery not changing the size of the Images?

    To solve the loading-time problem, i activated the Caching from the Gallery. It works for me for some hours. But at the next day, the first loading-time was again very long (around 5 seconds). Second load was fast. I think it cached again.
    Q2. Is the Caching a Cache on the Server or at the Clientbrowser
    Q3. If it is at the Server, how can i make it work for all visitors?
    I mean: One single imageload by me, and every visitor see the cached image (fast loading)

    And i’m very sorry for my bad english. I hope you understand my problem.
    The Album is this: https://www.sumit-online.de/sumit/v10/?page_id=15


    Server- Einstellungen

    * Betriebssystem : Linux
    * Server : Apache/2.2.3 (Red Hat)
    * Speicherverbrauch : 20.86 MByte
    * MySQL Version : 5.0.45
    * SQL Modus : Nicht gesetzt
    * PHP Version : 5.2.6
    * PHP Safe Mode : Aus
    * PHP Allow URL fopen : An
    * PHP Memory Limit : 64M
    * PHP Max Upload Size : 24M
    * PHP Max Post Size : 24M
    * PHP Max Script Execute Time : 30s
    * PHP Exif Modul : Ja ( V1.4 )
    * PHP IPTC Modul : Ja
    * PHP XML Modul : Ja

    GD Unterstützung

    * GD Version : bundled (2.0.34 compatible)
    * FreeType Support : Ja
    * FreeType Linkage : with freetype
    * T1Lib Support : Ja
    * GIF Read Support : Ja
    * GIF Create Support : Ja
    * JPG Support : Ja
    * PNG Support : Ja
    * WBMP Support : Ja
    * XPM Support : Nein
    * XBM Support : Ja
    * JIS-mapped Japanese Font Support : Nein

    Ja = Yes, Nein = No ??

    greetings from germany


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  • Thread Starter sumit1988


    ok i got it:

    Editing the /wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/admin/wp25/functions.php

    Search for the function upload_images()

    Scroll down after the end of the loop and check for this code:

    //create thumbnails

    BEFORE THAT add this:

    //create resized pictures

    Yes, but keep in your mind that max_script_execution could causes a problem

    Where is the folder “/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/admin/wp25/”?

    I use the version 1.0.0-RC2.

    it’s restructured in 1.00 (see admin/functions.php)

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