• I have changed my theme to Pink Sunset by Kaushal Sheth. I have the pages widget in my side bar & I’ve excluded the pages I don’t want showing but all pages show.

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  • Hopefully this will help someone, but I just had this issue. A couple things to check are: 1) can you find the php statement that goes something like this ‘<?php wp_list_pages(‘depth=1&title_li=<h2>Pages</h2>’); ?>’? If so, you can change the ‘depth=1’ to whatever. 1 means only one level and no sub pages. 2 means second level nav.

    But thanks to the author of autumn-almanac for enlightening me, I found out that the reason I was unable to edit that above php statement and see any changes is that once you add widgets to the sidebars (at least in this template – I don’t know if it is true for all), you can’t edit the php.

    I solved the problem by editing my page level statement first, and then I added the widgets afterward.

    @debragrant: Do any of the widgets in Appearance/Widgets work in your sidebar? If not, then it would seem that your sidebar is widget-capable.

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