It was pointed out to me that Twenty Fourteen is mobile ready and there is really nothing you have to do. What I also found out is that the mobile menu button is connected to the top primary menu which I don’t want with my site so I changed a line of code in the header.php so it looked like this.
<!--<?php wp_nav_menu( array( 'theme_location' => 'primary', 'menu_class' => 'nav-menu' ) ); ?>-->
This killed the menu at the top of the page but it also killed the mobile menu button. I wasn’t thinking of the mobile menu at the time so I didn’t realize that it was missing.
Now I was left with about 50 pixels of blank space at the top of the content area. Firebug tells me this is the masthead and with a little investigation I added this CSS and the masthead is gone as well.
#masthead {
display: none;
This will also kill your mobile menu button. When I backup on these two items the mobile menu button is back but so is the menu that I don’t want.
My thought now is that rather than the mobile menu button keying into the primary menu it will key into the secondary menu. I don’t know that this will work and am hoping that someone smarter than me will find the solution and let us all know.
Oh yes, be sure to make these changes in a child version of your site.