• I am running NGG 2.0.11, WP 3.6, PHP 5.4.8 with all other plugins deactivated. The upload initially reports 100% on the individual files but the final status is Upload complete 0 images were uploaded. This is the same problem I had with 2.0.7. I am sorry but I am giving up on NGG 2.x – it is just wasting too much of my time.


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  • Hi together,

    I had issues with image upload, too. This is how I solved the issue:

    Image names contained “Umlauts” like ü, ?, ? and Spaces. It seemed that Nextgen had an issue with that. After changing image names to easy (and short) ones, I could upload them again. Having said that, shortening file names could also be the reason for solving the issue.

    I also had an issue with album thumbs. I have a huge photo database with ~90 albums/galleries and ~1,000-1,500 photos in quite high resolution. The last ~10 album thumbs had not been recreated after upgrading to 2.0.x. I needed to increase php memory limit to 256M (which is total max) through .htaccess. After that, all album thumbs were created and displayed.

    BTW: In version 1.9x I already had php memory limit issues which I solved by changing gd.thumbnail.inc.php



    I just upgraded from previous version to the latest version of NGG and suddenly found this problem too. I was getting a message that 1 image had been uploaded however that was not the case – no images had been uploaded. I run IE by default and out of frustration switched to Firefox and the upload worked perfectly first time.

    I don’t know if this helps anyone and it isn’t what I want to have to do but unless or until the problem is fixed for IE, it will have to do.



    I have still the upload issue, with file names which contains only regular letter-figure combinations.

    a) you are on GoDaddy and b) you are using “Default” permalinks. If you’re using default permalinks, please try going to Settings > Permalinks and choosing another option and let us know if that resolves it for you.

    That worked.


    Im Running WP 3.6 an NGG 2.0.11, and NGG PRO. I browse with IE.

    I am using HOSTGATOR as host. Not using default permalinks on HOSTGATOR, but am using default permalinks on my Localhost.

    Either way … none of the images are uploading?

    I have not been able to upload photos after the update. I can choose the pictures, start upload, but it completes the task with a “0 images uoploaded”. I have checked my Web Hosting provider and I have a tremendous amount is disk space available. Furthermore, I can upload pictures using their upload tool. Using NexGen Gallery 2.0.11
    Any ideas?

    a) you are on GoDaddy and b) you are using “Default” permalinks. If you’re using default permalinks, please try going to Settings > Permalinks and choosing another option and let us know if that resolves it for you.

    I am using Godaddy. Where is the option for “Default” “Permalinks”? In Godaddy? In NexGen? In WordPress? I am confused. Please explain. Thanks

    Same issue here… slash missing and all pictures not linked anymore…

    I have to the conclusion the problem relates to Internet Explorer.

    I still can’t upload photos to any of my sites in I.E. but I can do it perfectly in Firefox.

    My sites and my client’s site are with different hosts but I have the same problem with I.E., but no problem when using Firefox.

    I now do everything else in I.E. but go to Firefox to upload new pics. It’s a pain but is the only thing I find that works.

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