• I was able to hack 1.5.2’s pluggable functions to allow comment notification (see this thread for background. Bottom line is Yahoo requires that the e-mail WP sends to have a “from” from your own domain.

    I have upgraded to 2.0 and everything works great except now I have to hack pluggable functions again in order to get comment notification. Can anyone help. I’ve tried a few things but nothing works, and the 2.0 file is a lot different from the 1.5.2 file.

    Just FYI, I know Yahoo comes with a stock 2.0 installation but they require you put it into an individual directory, which I didn’t want, and they also do not provide any mechanism for importing your old posts into their new install (they create a seperate SQL database and do not give you a password to it).

    P.S, I know there is a plugin that will fix this, but the plugin also requires you to edit the core code. I’d rather just edit the code alone and not have to depend on a plugin.

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  • As a point of interest, since I have not used Yahoo’s WordPress offering… can you see the db credentials in wp-config.php or have they put that somewhere inaccessible?

    Thread Starter brittanie


    You can find the there, but in my original installation, the WP files were on the server’s root, while Yahoo requires you install WP into a directory (which I don’t want, because you also have to use the index.php permalink work-around. Having a directory file makes those permalinks reallllllly long). Anyway, if I were to import my old posts into this new yahoo install all the permalinks would be broken anyway because of the directory.

    Nonetheless, it’s a hassle, and I’m still not even sure that Yahoo’s install fixes the comment notification problem. I’ve tried uploading just yahoo’s pluuable functions file but that breaks everything. I’d rather just edit the two lines of code and be content…


    Seems you can still change pluggable-functions.php to pretty much what you had before:

    Look for
    $from = "From: \"$blogname\" <$wp_email>";

    and replace with
    $from = 'From: "brittanie" <[email protected]>';

    and just below that change:
    $from = "From: \"$comment->comment_author\" <$wp_email>";

    $from = 'From: "brittanie" <[email protected]>';

    Those two line are contained in the function wp_notify_postauthor() area of code.

    As usual, make sure you have a backup copy of the file before changing the code.

    Thread Starter brittanie


    Okay, for some reason that didn’t work. Also, Yahoo’s stock install does not take this issue into account. Guess I’ll try the plugin and see if that works.

    Thread Starter brittanie


    Mmmkay, the plugin isn’t working either. Arrrgh!

    Thread Starter brittanie


    Okay, here’s what I’ve done. I installed Yahoo’s stock WP install on a test blog and then tried a few test comments, and e-mail notification worked fine. So then I opened up thier version of pluggable functions, and couldn;t see anything different from the file I installed on my own. What gives?

    I know this is a minor glitch, but it’s really driving me crazy.I’ve heard other people gush over the plugin but I can’t get it to work with 2.0. This it the one things I have had trouble with and the fact that I can solve just grates on me.

    Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated. The above ideas, although unsuccessful, are also appreciated (thanks Michael).

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