I have 4.99 wordpress and need to update to 5.1.
I found doing it manually myself was too long-winded and complicated for me
So I got Easy Updates Manager, thinking that would be ‘easy’.
However, it’s read me instructions say:
1. Upload the Easy Updates Manager folder to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory (make sure it is unzipped). Butit only updates files, not folders!
2. Activate the Easy Updates Manager plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress. How can I if I don’t have a ‘plugins’ menu in wordpress?!
3. Configure the plugin by going to the ‘Update Options’ section in your admin area under the Dashboard. Hopefully this would appear after the update??
What I’ve done:
I’ve added a folder for ‘plugins’ in the hostgator file manager.
I’ve downloaded and unzipped the ‘stops-core-theme-and plugin-updates’ folder
I’ve tried to upload this folder into that plugin folder, but it won’t work as it only accepts files, not folders.
Many instructions and forums keep telling me I can do it on my wordpress dashboard admin area, but it seems to lack a number of folders that helpers have in their videos or computer screen images.
I saw somewhere about clicking on ‘tools’ plugin on wordpress dashboard. Is this the answer if when it’s updated they’ll be necessary tools to do other jobs?
If so, I’m back to square one trying to install a folder for ‘tools’ into the admin are of the wordpress dashboard.
Any help welcome!