• I’m wondering if there is a way to set both the left and right sidebars to be on the same side of the page, either left or right.

    Pardon my poor ascii art.

    Make sense? Is this possible?

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  • The theme is prepared to allow that. I might be missing something but it should work like this: Cut the following from header.php

    <?php if ( $left_col == "on" ) { ?>
    <!-- Left Sidebar -->
    <td id="left">
    <?php // Widgetize the Left Sidebar
    if ( !function_exists('dynamic_sidebar') || !dynamic_sidebar(1) ) :
    endif; ?>
    <!-- / Left Sidebar -->
    <?php } ?>

    and paste it into footer.php, right before this:

    <?php if ( $right_col == "on" ) { ?>
    <!-- Right Sidebar -->
    <td id="right">
    <?php // Widgetize the Right Sidebar
    if ( !function_exists('dynamic_sidebar') || !dynamic_sidebar(2) ) :
    endif; ?>
    <!-- / Right Sidebar -->
    <?php } ?>

    and in header.php change this:

    <?php if ( $left_col == "on" ) { ?>
    <col class="colone" />
    <?php } ?>
    <col class="coltwo" />
    <?php if ( $right_col == "on" ) { ?>
    <col class="colthree" />
    <?php } ?>

    to this:

    <col class="coltwo" />
    <?php if ( $left_col == "on" ) { ?>
    <col class="colone" />
    <?php } ?>
    <?php if ( $right_col == "on" ) { ?>
    <col class="colthree" />
    <?php } ?>

    This worked…thanks…BUT when I try to edit the sidebar content it won’t let me update the right sidebar. Ideas?



    Yeah I have the same problem, can anyone please help?



    Maybe try editting the sidebars while they are back on the sides, and then when finished move the code back over…. just a thought



    This actually works perfectly!!! but this moves both sidebars to the right. Does anyone know how to move them to the left?

    Thank so much

    If anybody is checking this thread still…

    I tried this and it put my left SB above my header. It did make room for a sidebar next to my right one (on the right)…

    Any suggestions? What might have I done?

    The latest version has the ability to add two sidebars on either side. Also, I wonder if just resizing the center column to 200 the right column to 200 and the left to 600 (or some such number) woudl do it.

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