ftp clients for macintosh? I found the same stuff you would find via any google search…???!!!
All ftp clients allow you to chmod files once you’ve successfully ftp’d in.
However, IF you are going to use an ftp client to chmod files, why dont you use an ftp client to :
1. download the files.
2. make whatever changes you were going to make.
3. upload the changed files.
the reason I say that is that ANY writable files on your server are a security risk.
Note the little disclaimer at the bottom of the file editor:
Note: of course, you can also edit the files/templates in your text editor of choice and upload them. This online editor is only meant to be used when you don’t have access to a text editor or FTP client.
Thats about all the wordpress developers feel is necessary to tell you apparantly.
Below that disclaimer, is a link that explains more about file permissions. Click it, those links exist for a reason.
Most Plugins come with a readme.txt or something similar that explains their installation and use. Typically, though, its merely a matter of uploading the plugins into your wp-content/plugins/ directory.
That obviously wont explain how to use it though, so I reccommend taking a look at the readme file.
Off topic, the popups on your site are terribly annoying.