• Resolved dianem326


    I need a little help. I created a li list with columns like this

    <ul class="list1 col-1">
    <li><a href="https://jds-productions.com/wordpress/Services#CameraProduction">Video</a></li>
    <li><a href="https://jds-productions.com/wordpress/Services#CorporateVideo">Corporate Video Packages</a></li>

    an so on…

    <ul class="list1 col-2">
    <li><a href="https://jds-productions.com/wordpress/Services#InternetStreaming">Internet Streaming and Storage</a></li>
    <li><a href="https://jds-productions.com/wordpress/Services#EMarketing">E-Marketing</a></li>

    and so on…

    I shorted it so it wasn’t long. It displays correctly on Safari, but the other browsers it removes the arrow bullet of the list item on col-2 & messes up the paragraph that follows

    Any suggestions how to fix this.

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  • If you’re applying a float to the list elements you’ll need to clear the floats, which is usually done by adding an element like so.. after them..

    <div style="clear:both"></div>

    Thread Starter dianem326


    Thanks that fixed my text going out of whack, but IE9, Firefox, Chrome & Opera still not putting the 1st line in row 2 the arrow bullet & text in italic like the rest list
    <li><a href="https://jds-productions.com/wordpress/Services#InternetStreaming">Internet Streaming and Storage</a></li>
    Any suggestions why it might be doing this?


    Sorry not sure i follow, are you saying the text in the lists aren’t shown in italic for all items?

    If that’s the case, it doesn’t appear that way for me when viewing your site(in Firefox).

    Thread Starter dianem326


    Yes the top 1st line in row 2 (double column list) on my screen is not italic nor is the bullet there in IE9, Firefox, Chrome & Opera

    Maybe something in cache? Tried a full refresh? (CTRL + F5)..

    Like i said, it all looks fine in Firefox for me.

    Additionally, you might want to skim over your theme’s HTML and check there’s no missing closing tags, etc.. invalid markup can cause all kinds of weird display issues across browsers(not that i can see any though).

    Thread Starter dianem326


    Yeah I tried that. Didn’t work. K I take your word, it is missing up on all the web browsers except for Safari for me.

    It says I have a tag missing, but when I went to look at the page where it was showing it missing it is there. So I am not sure why it is doing that. I even uninstalled the page & put a new fresh one from the original theme. I haven’t figured out what put the body out of whack (off to the left) yesterday. That’s still a puzzle.

    Maybe the missing tags are in the header or footer files, since they encompass every kind page.

    For example, your header may do something like this..


    And then the footer like so..


    Which would leave a closing tag missing, and of course the more complex the code the harder little things like that are to spot, though indentation usually helps.

    Thread Starter dianem326


    I fixed my list, now it is fine. It adjusted itself, just took it a while. I guess I will just have to go through all the pages & see if one is missing.

    It is showing that it is in the footer.php. I already deleted the page & replaced it with a new one, since deleting the </div> & rewriting it didn’t work.

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