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  • If something is preventing you from using categories to separate your different types of blog posts then you could install another copy of wordpress in a folder called reviews ( and run a second blog there.

    Thread Starter ianmillar


    Hi thanks for helping,

    If I add another category does that groups them through link but that link does not sit in the main navigation bar. Correct?

    What I would like is to have for example fall under the reviews nav bar link. And for that review link to act as a blog page with all the review posts just like the home does.

    So basically yes like a category but I want to link to it in the nav bar.

    Perhaps confusing? Sorry.

    What your are describing sounds like how categories function.

    1. Your main nav bar can have a link to home, and reviews.

    2. Home will show all posts from all categories (unless you set it up to skip the reviews category, which is pretty easy to do)

    3. The Reviews link will only show posts from that category.

    Right now you are linking to a page called Reviews ( in your main navigation. Pages don’t show lists of posts by default but it’s not too hard to get them to do so. Let me know if you want to go that route.

    Alternatively, you can link to a category iteslf instead of a page using something like:

    where 8 is the id of the reviews category.

    Hope that helps, let me know if you need more help.

    Thread Starter ianmillar


    Thank you again,

    Ok so I think what I really want to do is have it so if someone clicks the reviews button in the nav bar, the review page shows actual posts, like your 1,2,3 steps suggest.

    I would actually like to do that for the other Nav Bar links too.

    So how do I do that?


    There are some built in wordpres functions like wp_list_categories() that can build a navigation list of all your categories so that clicking on each one will load a page that only features posts from that category. There are also more robust plugins like the NavT that will do the same thing but allow you to build custom navigation to pretty much any category, page and post.

    Hope that gets you headed in the right direction.

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