1und1 to 1&1 Multisite Setup 404 Response
I’ve been testing out the plugin and multisite setup on my 1&1.co.uk account and got it working quite quickly with both domains being hosted on the same account.
However, the live version of the website which I want to tackle is setup as follows:
- Multisite Setup on 1&1.co.uk with the Parent website domain and hosting here. (let’s refer to this as ExampleDomain.com)
- Each sub-site is currently in a sub-directory on the above domain (ExampleDomain.com/de/)
- German domain which I would like to use for the above subsite is hosted on 1und1.de (ExampleDomain.de)
I have set the IP of the ExampleDomain.de on 1und1.de to the ip of ExampleDomain.com. I have also set the nameservers to the ones used by ExampleDomain.com. When doing a DNS check on Pingdom, everything appears to be OK.
Despite doing this and setting up the plugin correctly (I followed a mixture of the OttoPress Guide and a 1&1 Specific guide), I am receiving a 404 error on the page. Before changing the IP and nameservers, the domain was getting a 403 error due to nothing being hosted on it.
Does anyone have any ideas of how to fix this issue?
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