Hi @bceei,
?Facebook has given us a little hiccup this past week, mostly with regards to any page that has recently changed it’s password. You may need to re-confirm your Admin Privileges for a given page before proceeding. Then, delete our app through your personal Facebook account.
?For deleting our app through Facebook, under your personal Facebook account, go to settings:
1. Please login to your Facebook account and under the Business Integrations tab (within the Settings of your personal FB account), check the box for SlickRemix and then click the Remove button.
2. Now, in your WordPress dashboard, return to the Feed Them > Facebook Options page of our plugin. To ensure a new token gets added, delete out the old token input fields and then go to the bottom of the page and click ‘Save All Changes’.
3. After the page refreshes, click the button/banner to get a new Access Token (go through the prompts, where the Page should be listed, among the listed pages, choose “Select All” or select 2 or more pages) then, once returned, click on the Page of your choice and click the Save button that appears.
4. From there you should be able to generate a new shortcode.
?5. Delete the cache from the Settings > Global Options tab of our plugin Feed Them and any other caching plugins you may have active.
5. Refresh Page.
?Let us know if this helps.
Best regards,