Well, OZH, I personally feel this is a great mistake to chose to have the RSS feed display the whole blog note.
My blogging style is to make long, documented, rich blog notes, thought to make fully sense with the contents of my sidebar. That’s what I call blogging. My blog has been gaining more and more visitors, and now with a good choice of ads to display, it’s starting to pay well (as we say in my country, it pays the butter in the spinach), so I take this seriously.
The “more” tag allowed my visitors to read just enough to decide if they wanted to know the rest or not.
Now, with the RSS feed making everything shown :
– I’ve already been kicked out of 2 big aggregators, I am already losing significant traffic
– I receive more and more trackbacks from splogs that, with utmost ease, can leech 100% of my contents. These splogs naturally steal a bit of your SE traffic.
Worse, when google sees industrially duplicate contents, both my blog and the splog are punished and lose pagerank and visitors, since google can’t guess which one is the splog.
All in all, this new feature is plain wonderful. Right ?_?
I’ll look at your plugin, Ozh, thanks for contributing ??
However, since in my case I don’t ever plan to allow my rss to display everything of my posts, and since I don’t need the rest of the nice features your plugin introduces, I’d like to ask you… Is it complicated, or not, to edit manually the core files of wordpress so that the RSS feed stops at the read more and gives a link to the full post, as before ?
Thanks if you can tell me ??