Hey all.
I had the same exact problem : no supercache directory created (and therefore, no caching at all), whereas everything else seamt to be ok.
After many hours struggling, i finally found out, thanks to a french blogger who gives a hint on his blog.
The trick is to :
– create manually wp-content/cache/ and wp-content/cache/supercache and give them chmod 777
– install the plugin, update the .htaccess
– AND THEN, MAGIC TRICK : change the defaut value of
$sem_id in wordpress/wp-content/wp-cache-config.php (around line 48)
Put any 4 digits you want (actually i think any value might be ok, didn’t tested).
I think creating manually /cache/ and /cache/supercache might even not to be necessary, i think only modifying $sem_id does the job.
I’ve spent many hours browsing the internet for the answer to this specific yet common issue (many people seem to have the same issue) : the only (effective) answer i found is this one.
Credit goes to Antoine for finding a solution and sharing.
Peace all.