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  • That’s be awesome. More than that, it would be GREAT if the author or the post could also receive an email after the post has been published with all the changes made to it.

    I’m the administrator of a collaboration blog and every time someone posts something I have to go there, edit and tell them what I updated via emails. If it could be automatic…

    presumably this ‘notify on draft post’ plugin is not necessary anymore, at least for version 2.3.2 of WordPress?

    I see and can use the ‘Pending Review’ functionality as a ‘Contributor’ role, but nobody gets notified. Not admins, not editors – nobody.

    Does this functionality work? From the documentation it definitely _seems_ like someone is going to be notified when someone posts something that is ‘pending review’, but i really have no idea since it just doesn’t work for me.

    Also, what is the difference between whether or not an entry has been ‘submitted’ or not. It seems there’s at least some difference between ‘Saving’ a post and submitting it via ‘Pending Review’.




    From what I can tell, I don’t think WP 2.3.x actually notifies anyone. It just flags the post. All pending posts can then be viewed under Manage Posts (via filtering).

    Out of necessity, I am writing a plugin (using Notify-On-Draft-Post as inspiration). It handles notification based on the pending status. It will contact any combo of admins/editors/authors and also notify the original post author after publish.

    I’ve already got the notification part working. Currently adding in all the options.

    Contact jdandrea at gmail dot com if you’d like to tire-kick! Put ‘NotifyPending’ in the subject.

    I double checked this by setting up a user as contributor. What appears to occur is that when the Admin logs in they will see a notification ON THE DASHBOARD that a post(s) are pending review. No eMail is sent.

    The Plugin referenced above does work HOWEVER….

    It will notify the moderator EACH TIME the user saves his work and the BOX is checked for notification. It was not really designed for 2.5 in mind that has the Publish Review button. It’s not the end of the world and WILL notify you BUT you should let ALL your Contributors know that each time they save their post with that box checked YOU WILL GET AN EMAIL !!!

    IT WOULD BE MUCH MORE ELEGANT TO HAVE THIS FEATURE PART OF THE NEXT RELEASE… so that not only is the Admin notified in their dashboard but an Email OPTION can be toggled by the Admin somewhere that allows for eMail notification. THEN THE OLD PLUGIN CAN BE REMOVED….

    Maybe there is another work around but I am not aware of one…

    Check out:

    In case that goes away:

    Plugin Name: Draft Notification
    Plugin URI:
    Description: Sends an email to the site admin when a draft is saved.
    Author: Dagon Design
    Version: 1.21
    Author URI:
    function dddn_process($id) {
    	global $wpdb;
    	$tp = $wpdb->prefix;
    	$result = $wpdb->get_row("
    		SELECT post_status, post_title, user_login, user_nicename, display_name
    		FROM {$tp}posts, {$tp}users
    		WHERE {$tp}posts.post_author = {$tp}users.ID
    		AND {$tp}posts.ID = '$id'
    	if (($result->post_status == "draft") || ($result->post_status == "pending")) {
    		$message = "";
    		$message .= "A draft was updated on '" . get_bloginfo('name') . "'\n\n";
    		$message .= "Title: " . $result->post_title . "\n\n";
    			// *** Choose one of the following options to show the author's name
    		$message .= "Author: " . $result->display_name . "\n\n";
    		// $message .= "Author: " . $result->user_nicename . "\n\n";
    		// $message .= "Author: " . $result->user_login . "\n\n";
    		$message .= "Link: " . get_permalink($id);
    		$subject = "Draft Updated on '" . get_bloginfo('name') . "'";
    		$recipient = get_bloginfo('admin_email');
    		mail($recipient, $subject, $message);
    add_action('save_post', 'dddn_process');

    I also see quite unreasonable not being warned of new post waiting for approval. If there is that option for comments it does not make sense having to login into the dashboard to check if there is any pending review. I’ll give Draft Notification a try, but it simply surprises me that WP does not offer it as an standard feature…

    Ok. There’s a simple way to receive a notification ONLY when the draft is sent to revision. That’s it. The admins are NOT spammed each time the user saves his draft but ONLY when he finally sends it to revision.

    In the code published above by briel FIND:

    if (($result->post_status == "draft") || ($result->post_status == "pending")) {

    CHANGE it to:

    if ($result->post_status == "pending") {

    It works perfectly for me. Hope that helps

    thanks ramon, that is just what i was looking for

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