The plugin copies header.php, footer.php, the screenshot and admin folder (if any) … so if the theme uses some functions from the parent theme that definitely could break the child theme.
Please, don’t blame my cool plugin ??
Snakiest, I’ve been thinking of adding some functionality to copy file/folder from one to the other. That should save some copy and pasting. Maybe in a future release.
About the Orbisius name. Don’t worry. You’ll remember it as I am publishing new cool plugins regularly ?? 50+ (half are free and the other half are premium)
The name comes from a (future) project of mine called Orbisium (m at the end) which means Orb in latin. It is suppose to connect you with your inner business circle. I didn’t want to name the company after a product so I put my first initial at the end of the name.
Now it sounds like a constellation.
My previous site was WebWeb.ca but since I started doing mobile development and training videos WebWeb.ca was too specific for the things I was doing so I had to change it. Additionally, I didn’t have the .com version of the WebWeb.