• Hello,

    Can someone please tell me how to display page titles alphabetically when looking in the Admin panel (Manage –> Pages)?

    I have over 100 pages so being able to list them alphabetically instead of ID would be really great when searching for a specific page.

    I did a search and found two topics relating exactly to my issue here:



    …but I still don’t know what to do to get page titles in alpha instead of ID.

    Would someone please be able to help? I am using the My Poker Blog 2 1.0

    Thank you.

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  • Thread Starter bestbooks


    I don’t have that in my editing page.php file.

    This is the code inside of it:

    <?php get_header(); ?>

    <?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>

    <div class=”post” id=”post-<?php the_ID(); ?>”>

    <?php the_content(‘<p>Read the rest of this page »</p>’); ?>

    <?php link_pages(‘<p>Pages: ‘, ‘</p>’, ‘number’); ?>


    <?php endwhile; endif; ?>

    <?php edit_post_link(‘Edit this entry.’, ‘<p>’, ‘</p>’); ?>

    <?php get_footer(); ?>

    Being that I am completely new to WordPress, I don’t know what to edit.

    I hate when people don’t read carefully. It says:
    wp-admin/edit-pages.php: line 22

    which means NOT your theme folder, but the wp-admin folder and the file called edit-pages.php

    Assuming you are using Version 2.2.1

    Edit your wp-admin/edit-pages.php file

    Change line 22 from:

    Remember you may have to make this change in the future when you upgrade WordPress and it may not be the same line or same file.

    Thread Starter bestbooks


    Okay, thank you moderators. That worked beautifully!

    My goodness Moshu, sorry to get you so riled up.

    Thank you Michael for being kinder to such a new person on WordPress. :o)

    Being new would require even more to read carefully. MichaelH just repeated what was already in the thread that you linked to. Being able to follow clear instructions has nothing to do with being new or or old user.
    Glad you sorted out finally.

    Thread Starter bestbooks


    Sorry, just need to get more familiar with the terminology I guess.

    Thanks again Moshu! :o)

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